Voters will reward Republicans for confirming new justice

來源: bustout 2020-09-22 20:17:24 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1768 bytes)

Do you believe that government should have the right to seize somebody’s house to give to for-profit corporations? Liberal judges do, but a Republican-appointed judge probably won’t.


Do you believe free speech is a human right to be protected from government, or do you believe government can “dole out” free speech only as it chooses? Conservative judges support free speech, but liberals support the government.

Do you believe that generic prayers by public school football coaches or representations of the Ten Commandments in public courthouses as part of the history of legal codes somehow infringe on private rights? Liberal judges do, but a Republican-appointed judge probably won’t.

On racial preferences in public policy, liberal judges tend to favor them. Conservative judges don’t. On abortion, liberal judges oppose attempts to limit partial-birth skull-crushing, along with laws encouraging parental consent for minors’ abortions and ones requiring abortion clinics to abide by good medical practice laws that govern all other surgeries. Conservative judges tend to support laws ensuring these commonsense limits against radical abortion-on-demand.
