自打小時候聽三國,看到諸葛亮對弟弟說,“汝可躬耕於此,勿得荒蕪田畝。待我功成之日,即當歸隱” 但後來秋風五丈原,我就特別看重你圖中的最後一步:鉛華洗盡,歸隱世間。
所以我一直覺得 LOTR 有著最好的結尾:Sam 在幫助 Frodo 毀掉了邪惡指環後,
And he went on, and there was yellow light, and fire within; and the evening meal was ready, and he was expected. And Rose drew him in, and set him in his chair, and put little Elanor upon his lap.
He drew a deep breath. ‘Well, I’m back,’ he said.