修改 CFE bootloader file 的具體程序

本帖於 2023-02-23 20:56:17 時間, 由普通用戶 slow_quick 編輯
回答: factory reset 不能換地區slow_quick2023-02-22 17:32:56

基本上就是把 bootloader cfe (Common Firmware Environment) file 裏麵的 country code (ISO2, e.g. US, CN, AU, etc) 改掉,放回去。

以我試過的 ASUS RT-AC68U 為例:


  • PuTTY
  • WinSCP
  • Hex editor (我下載了 Neo,隨便什麽Hex editor 都行,但要能顯示charactor,不僅僅是Hex數字)
  • mid-write(我對這個不懂,是從這裏找到的。我從craigslist 5刀買了個T-mobile ASUS AC1900 練手)


  •  from browser login to the router: (your router might be different), user/password (default admin/admin or admin/password)
  •  administration / system, enable SSH, apply
  • launch PuTTY and login to router,
  • in PuTTY, run command:  cat /dev/mtd0 > original_cfe.bin
  • luanch WinSCP and select SCP as file protocal, login
  • in WinSCP, copy the original_cfe.bin from the router to a local directory
  • launch the Hex editor, open original_cfe.bin
  • in Hex editor, search for ccode, change the country code to what you want
  • in Hex editor, save the modified file, to a different name, say, new_cfe.bin
  • use WinSCP to copy the new_cfe.bin from local directory to the router
  • use WinSCP to copy mid-write from local directory to the router
  • use PuTTY, run command: chmod u+x mtd-write
  • and then run command: mtd-write new_cfe.bin boot
  • perform NVRAM reset on the router: turn off, wait 10s, push and hold WPS button, turn on, continue to hold WPS button until the power light rapidly flash, release WPS button.  這個會把你原來router裏所有的setting都清掉,相當於 factory reset

表麵上你是看不出 router 有什麽變化的。唯一能看到的是 wifi 可選頻道變了。比如 2.4GHz wifi, 美國的沒有12,13,改成中國或澳大利亞後顯示12,13。據說改了cfe country code 後,最大發射功率也會跟著改變,以符合各地區政府的規範。據說中國、歐洲的允許發射功率小一些,美國、澳大利亞的大一些。
