首次使用 ChatGPT,感覺很好


首次使用 ChatGPT,感覺很好




人工智能(AI)的發展真是突飛猛進,新技術不斷湧現,讓人應接不暇。早就聽說 ChatGPT 是 OpenAI 開發的智能對話機器人程序,功能很強大。自去年十一月三十日推出以來,ChatGPT 引起了科技界的廣泛關注,用戶好評如潮;OpenAI 的市值上周漲到 290 億美元。今天是聯邦假日,不用上班,終於有時間注冊了一個 ChatGPT 用戶,測試它的功能。


總體的印象是,這個對話機器人程序真的具備相當高的智能水平,與它的對話很順利,感覺良好。本人認為它將推動下一波 AI 科技應用的飛躍發展,或許會影響人類生活的各個方麵。下麵把我今天進行的測試 ChatGPT 過程和對話總結如下。


寒假期間我到位於西弗吉尼亞州的哈珀斯費裏國家曆史公園一遊,對約??翰·布朗這個在美國內戰前夜的人物印象頗深。有人說約??翰·布朗是英雄,有人則罵他是壞蛋;有人說他是信仰堅定的廢奴運動領袖,有人則說他是非理性的狂熱分子。那麽,我想先看看 ChatGPT 如何看待約??翰·布朗,所以我問的第一個問題是:I recently visited Harpers Ferry and was impressed by the story of John Brown. What do you think of John Brown? 


在不到一秒鍾的時間裏,ChatGPT 就給出了下麵的答案:

John Brown was a abolitionist and militant who advocated for the immediate abolition of slavery in the United States in the mid-19th century. He is best known for his raid on Harpers Ferry, a federal armory in Virginia in 1859, in an attempt to spark a widespread slave rebellion, which failed, and he was captured and executed.

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry was a significant event in the lead-up to the American Civil War. It increased tensions between the North and the South and helped to solidify support for the abolitionist movement. His actions also helped to rally anti-slavery sentiment in the North and further divided the country.

John Brown's actions have been viewed differently by different people through time. Some see him as a hero who was willing to sacrifice his life for the cause of ending slavery, while others see him as a radical and a terrorist who used violence to achieve his goals. His raid on Harpers Ferry was a catalyst for the Civil War, and his execution was a major event that helped to push the country towards war.

It's important to note that opinions on historical figures are often shaped by the perspective of the observer, and that historical figures are complex individuals whose actions and beliefs can be interpreted in various ways. John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry and his execution were certainly significant events in the lead-up to the Civil War and his name is remembered in the American history as one of the most controversial figures of the abolitionist movement.

這個答案顯得冠冕堂皇,客觀公允,仿佛是從教科書裏抄來的。回答這樣的問題也許不需要什麽智能,隻需要在答案庫中有足夠的資料就行。下麵我想讓 ChatGPT 給我寫一首詩,從而展現它所具有的創造性。我為 ChatGPT 提供了一個本地下大雪的背景,要求它寫出一首詩來。


Could you write a poem about a big snow in my area? it is more than 1.5 foot of snow. Schools are closed, and traffic is bad.

麵對這個問題,ChatGPT 花了大約兩秒鍾的時間,就寫出了如下的詩歌:


A blanket of snow so pure and white

Falls from the sky in the middle of the night

It covers the streets and the trees

A winter wonderland, if you please

The schools are closed, the traffic is slow

But we can't help but watch the snowfall aglow

Each flake a unique and fragile thing

Dancing on the wind, on its own wing

The snow keeps falling, it's more than a foot

A big snowstorm, it's hard to refute

It's hard to leave the house or drive

But the beauty of the snow, it's hard to contrive

The shovels and plows are working hard

To keep the roads clear, to make a path

Though it's a struggle, it's worth the fight

To see the snow shining in the streetlight

The snow may cause trouble and delay

But it's a reminder of the simple beauty of winter's way

The snow is a gift, a pure delight

A reminder of the magic of the winter night.

說實在的,這首詩寫得還不錯。除了詩之外,ChatGPT 還在詩歌的後麵附加了一段話:

It's important to note that while this poem describes the general feeling and imagery of a big snow, it may not accurately reflect the specific conditions in your area. Also, it's important to be safe and follow the recommendations of the local authorities during a big snowfall.

這段話雖然有點畫蛇添足,但是這種提醒似乎也有道理。我想進一步考考 ChatGPT 再寫一首詩來看看它有什麽寫詩的套路。


What is the joy of ski? I saw so many children playing in my neighborhood, in the local park, where there is a long slop. Could you write a poem for this scene? 麵對我的這個問題, ChatGPT 僅用了一秒鍾就開始逐行打印出它寫的詩歌:


The joy of ski, is a feeling divine

Sliding down the mountain, in a steady line

The cold air in your face, the snow at your feet

A feeling of freedom, so hard to beat

The children are playing, in the local park

Their laughter echoes, in the chilly dark

They're on skis, or sleds, or inner tubes

Their excitement is contagious, it's hard to refuse

The slope is long, and the snow is deep

They're gliding down, in one smooth sweep

Their cheeks are rosy, their eyes are bright

Their spirits are lifted, it's a beautiful sight

The joy of ski, is the thrill of the ride

The wind in your hair, the snow by your side

It's the feeling of weightlessness, of pure delight

It's a moment of pure joy, a moment just right

It's the memories made, with family and friends

The fun had, that never ends

The joy of ski, is a feeling unique

A winter wonderland, that makes you feel free

在這首詩歌之後,ChatGPT 還不忘加上那一段“畫蛇添足”提醒段落: 

It's important to note that this poem describes the general feeling and imagery of children playing in the snow while skiing, but it may not accurately reflect the specific conditions in your area. Also, it's important to be safe and follow the recommendations of the local authorities, and make sure that the children have the right equipment and supervision.


應該說,這個對話機器人寫出的詩歌還說得過去。但是,它能否有自己的特性?它能夠根據對作者的限製而產生出語氣不同的詩歌?所以,我又提出了這樣的問題:Could you rewrite the poem in the tone of a 10-years-old child? 很快,ChatGPT 就給出了答案: 


The joy of ski, it's so much fun

Sliding down the hill, it's like we've won

The cold air in our face, the snow on our boots

It's like we're flying, without any roots

We're playing in the park, with our friends

We're laughing and shouting, until the very end

We're on skis or sleds, or inner tubes

It's the best day ever, it's like we're in a muse

The slope is long, and the snow is deep

We're going fast, it's like we're in a leap

Our cheeks are red, and our eyes are bright

We're having the best time, it feels just right

The joy of ski, it's the best thing ever

Going down the hill, it's like we have a treasure

The wind in our hair, the snow on our face

It's like we're on top of the world, in this special place

It's the memories we make, with our family and friends

The fun we have, that never ends

The joy of ski, it's the best feeling yet

It's like we're in a dream, and we're not done yet!


It's important to note that this poem is written from the perspective of a 10-year-old child, and it's an interpretation of the fun and excitement of skiing for this age group. It's also important to be safe and follow the recommendations of the local authorities, and make sure that the children have the right equipment and supervision.

簡單總結一下,ChatGPT 的速度快,回答準確度高,具有一定的智能水平。它為高等教育的老師們提出了一個挑戰:學生用 ChatGPT 生成他們作業的答案,比如編程代碼和論文,這樣做算不算作弊?


像 ChatGPT 這樣的智能對話機器人程序有極為廣闊的應用前景。比如,它可以作為辦公軟件(微軟的 Word, PPT, 等)的插件,為寫報告和文件提供草稿。現在人工智能軟件已經可以從文本產生圖形和影像,加上 ChatGPT 就可以完成電影、動畫、曲藝節目自動生成。準確高效的對話機器人也是提供客戶服務的重要工具,它在餐飲、醫療、谘詢行業會有更多的應用。



