
回答: 回複:站著說話不腰疼。likestock2014-05-17 05:21:20

不要這麽小人囂張的樣子.  Postdoctor pay rate is significantly lower than an regular job (such as assistant professor, staff scientist, engineer, etc).  Even you are in a high rank university the postdoctor pay is still low.  It also depends on the field you work in, in certain fields they pay even less.   An average IT labor can easily make $150k without any problem.   But, different people have different dreams and goals.  Once postdoctors complete this special struggle period they can make much better lives.  Ten years ago when I started working as an engineer, My postdoctor friend made about 1/4 or less than what I made.  Today he is a research director in a famous company and he makes more than $300k every year.   

It is not because this guy doesn't go to find a $100k postdoctor job, the pay for postdoctor is low.  He may make very high income in the future, but it is not fair to say it is his fault not to get a $100k job now.  


回複:小人囂張是因為無知 -likestock- 給 likestock 發送悄悄話 (473 bytes) () 05/17/2014 postreply 19:17:08
