The best job for you probably will still be programming job

來源: jwguo123 2020-01-14 17:18:17 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (542 bytes)
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回答: 碼工轉行能幹什麽?CA552020-01-12 20:14:25

The best job for you probably will still be programming job b/c as you haven't changed for 20 years and got stuck into such ancient technology.

The closest newer programming langauge will be JavaScript as you are doing web development. It shouldn't be hard to learn it. You strength will be in the area of web development knowlege/debug/troubshooting/maintenence/highlevel design. Your weakness will be laid back type of person, not willing to change and keeping learn new technology unless being forced.


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