“Let me fininsh". 是你在請她“讓你說完”,這句話把自己放在了從屬地位,難怪她不聽你的。
可以試試,第一次:let me finish. 第二次: I'm talking. 第三次:Please don't interrupt.
這三種說法語氣越來越重,如果她還插話,聽她說,然後看著她的眼晴說:Jane, we are here to talk to John because we couldn't decide what's the best way to deal with ... I need both John and you to know what's my suggestion and it's very difficult for me to talk when you constantly interupt me. Could you do me a favor not to interupt me anymore? I'll let you know when I finish.
說的時候臉上永遠帶著笑, 把聲音壓低了,目的要明確,,態度要平和,立場要堅定。如果她是無心,大概一次之後就行了。如果她開始狡辯,就重複說 “Could you do me a favor not to interupt me anymore?” 直到她同意。