Around the Maritimes in 21 Days (10) Day 13 - Cabot Trail/Skyline Trail
Cabot Trail/Skyline Trail
National Geographic best trip 2013 - Nova Scotia’s treasured island
During the 18th and 19th centuries, fishermen and settlers from France and Scotland came to Cape Breton Island, drawn by its rich fisheries, ample timber, and the chance of a better life. Originally settled by the ancient ancestors of the Micmac people, this island off Nova Scotia now lures visitors with its abundant wildlife, natural beauty, and assembly of French, Micmac, and Celtic cultures.
One-fifth of Cape Breton is preserved as a national park, laced by 25 hiking paths and looped by the Cabot Trail, a 186-mile driving route frequently ranked among the world’s most spectacular. “I have seen the Canadian and American Rockies, the Andes, the Alps, and the Highlands of Scotland,” said inventor Alexander Graham Bell, who spent 37 summers here. “But for simple beauty, Cape Breton outrivals them all.”
Cape Breton島位於Nova Scotia的東北,西臨聖勞倫斯灣, 東麵是一望無際的大西洋,長達1000多公裏的海岸線到處是自然美景, 不愧被國家地理雜誌評為2013年的二十個最佳景點之一. 詳情請見
Cape Breton Highlands National Park在島的北部,環公園的Cabot Trail是一條蜿蜒於山水間的公路, 沿路美景連連, 是觀賞Cape Breton島的最佳去處. 來之前朋友警告說山路危險, 一定要順時針開在山壁一側. 實際上路況非常好, 完全不必擔心.
1. Cabot Trail, Cape Breton, NS, Aug 16
2. Cabot Trail, Cape Breton, NS, Aug 16
從天際線小道回望Cabot Trail.
Cape Breton Highlands National Park有25條步道, 其中的天際線小道(Skyline trail)是最著名的. 小道來回7.5公裏, 對全家來說是不小的挑戰. 不過辛苦一定有回報, 壯闊的美景讓我們久久不能平靜.
因為天際線小道的後一半在山脊上, 防風變得非常重要. 前一天的風速達到25公裏, 我們不得不改變了計劃.
3. Skyline Trail, Cape Breton, NS, Aug 16
天際線小道的前一半平坦好走, 有一些乏味.
4. Skyline Trail, Cape Breton, NS, Aug 16
5. Skyline Trail, Cape Breton, NS, Aug 16
6. Skyline Trail, Cape Breton, NS, Aug 16
7. Skyline Trail, Cape Breton, NS, Aug 16
8. Skyline Trail, Cape Breton, NS, Aug 16
9. Skyline Trail, Cape Breton, NS, Aug 16
10. Skyline Trail, Cape Breton, NS, Aug 16
11. Skyline Trail, Cape Breton, NS, Aug 16
12. Skyline Trail, Cape Breton, NS, Aug 16
13. Ingonish, Cape Breton, NS, Aug 16
傍晚時分到達Cabot Trail東麵的Ingonish, 從餐館的陽台望向大海, 月夜一派安詳.
14. Ingonish, Cape Breton, NS, Aug 16
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