
問題 '如果我問另外那個家夥勇士贏球了嗎,他會回答是還是不是?' 回答不是,勇士贏球; 回答是,騎士贏球.

The NBA Championship games come to an end, featuring the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers in the finals. You have just missed the final one of the best of seven games. You goes to the TV parlour, and people there know the result. 

There are only two other people in the room, one of whom always tells the truth, while the other always lies. You don’t know which is which, but they know that the other always lies or tells the truth. You can ask one of them one question, but, of course, you don’t know whether you’ll be speaking to the truth-teller or the liar. So what single question can you ask one of them that will enable you to figure out which team has won the Championship?
