高中畢業班拿大獎的估計有900人,USAMO,STS scholar,SSP, 大獎墊底,MIT可能錄取一半。

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31% of the class were identified as being "academic stars". Examples of academic stars include being a Siemens Finalist, qualifying for the USAMO, and so forth. Like with everything else, being "starry" in this way is a good thing, but it doesn't secure you a spot in the class. Of the nearly 900 academic stars who applied, less than 500 got in. 



以前估算過Siemens 還在的時候, 高中畢業班大概有900學生拿過【TOP-10獎項】裏的頭三類獎, Siemens消失後, 空缺可能被top summer camps 補上.


