
來源: europe 2014-10-05 11:22:26 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (7621 bytes)
回答: 在美國移民生活蠻難的,(圖)europe2014-10-05 11:19:50
文章來源: 文學城子女教育論壇 於 2014-10-05 07:53:27 -

子女教育論壇 作者:閑人忙人



這種說法的背景是,加州名校眾多,亞裔尤其是華裔聚集。1996年,加州通過了一項州憲法平權法案修正案,立法禁止州立公共教育及其他單位在招生、招工時考慮申請人的種族、膚色、性別、國籍、出生地等因素,也就是著名的Prop 209. 這項反歧視的法案實施後,華裔以至整個亞裔成為最大的受益者,加州各個大學亞裔學生比例節節上升,遠大於亞裔所占的人口比例。譬如在加州大學柏克利分校,亞裔學生已經占到全部學生人數的40%。

這種趨勢近年來引起了許多其他族裔(主要是西語裔)及一些學校管理層的不安。許多名校在招生時,已經與Prop 209相違背,考慮申請人的種族、膚色及性別來決定是否錄取。比如一名華裔學生可能各方麵都比另一名西裔學生更優秀,但學校卻拒絕了華裔而錄取西裔學生,理由是,“要保證學生種族的多樣性”。

今年初,加州參議院甚至通過了一項SCA5法案,要推翻反歧視的Prop 209,將許多學校已經暗地裏推行的根據膚色種族來招生的行為公開化、合法化。消息一出,在全美華裔社區中造成掀然大波,華裔參政熱情空前高漲、前所未有地團結,不僅是加州的華裔,全美各地的華裔都加入了行動,以各種形式抗議、網上數十萬人簽名、向當地民選議員施壓,終於取得了勝利,被譏諷為Skin Color Act的SCA5提案未能在加州眾議院獲得通過。







local news:
by Kevin Forestieri / Mountain View Voice

Longtime Milk Pail employee, son killed in apartment fumes

The two bodies found in an apartment complex in Mountain View on Wednesday have been identified as James Liu and his teenage son William, according to a post on the Milk Pail Market Facebook page.

Liu was the store director and the brother-in-law of Steve Rasmussen, owner of the Milk Pail Market. According to the Facebook post by Kai Rasmussen, Liu's niece, he was a "brilliant manager, buyer, and grocer who was greatly admired by our staff, customers, and vendors alike."

The cause of death for Liu and his 17-year-old son William is still under investigation, as Mountain View police continue to investigate the noxious smell that broke out at 2025 California St. and triggered an evacuation Wednesday evening. The bodies of both victims were located in one of the apartment units by fire crews.

Investigators later found that calcium sulfide and sulfuric acid were present in the the complex at 2025 California St., as well as the byproducts of both chemicals -- sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, according to Shino Tanaka, spokeswoman for the Mountain View Police Department.

Hydrogen sulfide in lower concentrations can cause nausea, eye irritation and headaches, according to the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration. Higher concentrations can lead to unconsciousness, serious eye damage and death.

Sulfur dioxide is a colorless gas with a pungent odor that causes irritation to the eyes and skin, and can lead to eye damage, lung damage and skin burns.

Police are not releasing any additional information on the investigation.

Police received reports of the noxious "rotten egg" smell in the apartment complex at 6:09 p.m. Wednesday night, and evacuated residents in the area until 8 a.m. the next morning.

During the evacuation and investigation, four responding officers were sickened by the fumes and reported feeling lightheaded. They were treated and released.

Tanaka confirmed that the noxious smell was not caused by a gas leak, and that no suicide note had been left at the apartment where the two bodies were located. Police had originally suspected a gas leak caused the noxious smell, and PG&E crews shut off gas lines in the area.

Another apartment building adjacent to the complex was also evacuated, and an estimated 30 or 40 evacuees were sheltered at the nearby community center on Rengstorff Avenue.


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