緊急動員:決戰最高法院, 請投莊嚴一票
資料顯示,亞裔在美國要比其他族裔成績優秀許多才能上同樣的學校。要上同樣的名校,亞裔SAT要考1550分,白人1410分,而非裔隻需要1100分*(英文和數學滿分是1600)。亞裔入學這麽高的門檻使得許多亞裔的大學申請者非常害怕,有些幹脆拒絕列出他們是亞裔—其實學校一看名字還是能 知道哪些孩子是亞裔。。。
下麵幾周內,我們需要征集到至少五萬個簽名,讓結果寫入Amicus Curiae
(i.e. Overcome adversity under socio-economic constraint).
如果您願意讓你孩子抬頭做人,在申請書上大大方方承認自己是亞裔,而不懼怕會受歧視而上不了理想的學校的話,請現在就到下麵的網站來簽名讚成80-20的民調書,並請您的其他的亞裔朋友都來簽名。父母請各簽一個名,有自由意誌的學齡孩子也可以簽名!(必須是綠卡或 公民才可以投票,謝謝合作。)
(*Source: "No Longer Separate, Not Yet Equal: Race and Class in Elite
College Admission and Campus Life" by Thomas Espenshade (Princeton
University Press, 2009)
A historical moment has arrived. On February 21, 2012, the Supreme
Court decided to review a pending lawsuit that challenges the
prevalence use of strong racial preferences in college admission.
Please take this survey to project your voice to the Supreme Court.
Your children’s future is literally in your hands!
Currently, Asian Americans are being held at a much higher college
admission standard. To receive equal consideration for the top
colleges, out of a 1600 SAT maximum (verbal & math)
1550 for Asians = 1410 for Whites = 1100 for Blacks.
The strong racial preferences instilled such a fear among Asian
American applicants that many refuse to state their ethnicities in
college applications. (Well, most of our LAST NAMES are a dead
giveaway!) If you want your children to face such a harsh reality,
then do nothing. Otherwise please take ONE minute to cast your vote.
We aim to gather 50,000 signatures and submit this national survey
results to the Supreme Court. We will submit an Amicus Curiae (“friend
of the court” brief) advocating a race-neutral, merit-based college
admission policy; with broadly defined merit to include current
scholastic achievement and evaluated future potential of an applicant.
This nuanced position would provide fair and equitable opportunity to
all applicants; while still provide the schools broad discretion in
defining education objectives.
Please fire up all your Asian American friends and families to vote.
The clock is ticking; the deadline to submit a legal briefing is less
than two months away. Every single vote counts. Yes, parents should
sign as two separate individuals, school children counts too if they
understand the concept and have an opinion.
"YOU must be the change you wish to see in the world” — Mahatma Gandhi