資格。本人從2000年在悉尼讀書工作,2002年永居,大約06年初入了澳洲籍,2006年底幫父母遞交了移民申請,2007年底由於夫人去香港工作,我就隨行在香港工作生活一直到現在。今天忽然收到移民局信件,說我的條件不符合申請父母移民,原因是不符合“settled“ resident條件,既是申請時的居住時間不到2年。具體的理由是:
To satisfy the requirements for the grant of the Aged Parent – Migrant visa category, you are
required to meet the criteria for this visa. A requirement to be met at the time of application
and again at time of decision is that the sponsor must be a “settled” Australian Citizen or
“settled” Australian Permanent Resident or “settled” eligible New Zealand Citizen.
Regulation 103.211 refers:
For Australian Citizen sponsors, a lesser period may be considered
where there are compassionate or compelling circumstances“