
回答: Happy July 4th!noworry2024-07-04 15:10:25


Starship | Fourth Flight Test

On June 6, 2024, Starship successfully lifted off at 7:50 a.m. CT from Starbase in Texas and went on to deliver maximum excitement. The fourth flight of Starship made major strides to bring us closer to a rapidly reusable future. Its accomplishments will provide data to drive improvements as we continue rapidly developing Starship into a fully reusable transportation system designed to carry crew and cargo to Earth orbit, the Moon, Mars and beyond.



Thanks for sharing, Go, USA. Happy July 4th to you. -noworry- 給 noworry 發送悄悄話 noworry 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/04/2024 postreply 15:17:54
