近一月來用Firefox 的貼文字不行, 總出現一個warning:
Unprivileged scripts cannot access Cut/Copy/Paste programatically for security reasons. Click OK to see a technical note at mozilla.org which shows you how to allow a script to access the clipboard。
我按照Firefox Security preferences:
- Quit Firefox. If you have Quick Launch running (in Windows, an icon in the toolbar), quit that too.
- Find your Firefox profile directory.
- Open the user.js file from that directory in a text editor. If there's no user.js file, create one.
- Add these lines to user.js:
user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "allowclipboard");
user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.sites", "http://www.mozilla.org");
user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.cutcopy", "allAccess");
user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.paste", "allAccess");
* Change the url "http://www.mozilla.org" to the site for which you want to enable this function.
我應該用:http://blog.wenxuecity.com/dashboard/blogadd.php 嗎?
試了上麵的鏈接, 不行, 請給些指點, 如何恢複Cut/Copy/Paste功能