
本帖於 2024-02-25 21:11:46 時間, 由版主 小黑貓 編輯


美國網友去歐洲旅遊經常為小費問題糾結,推薦一篇Rick Steves的歐洲小費指南

2024年2月25加上這段:Tipping in Europe isn’t as automatic and generous as it is in the United States, but in many countries, tips are appreciated, though not expected. As in the US, the proper amount depends on your resources, tipping philosophy, and the circumstances. That said, there are big tippers and there are misers the world over. Tipping varies by country, but some general guidelines apply.



- 如果菜單和賬單上沒加服務費,留5-10% 的小費。
- 最好將現金直接給侍者,而不是留在桌子上。如果用信用卡付小費,錢可能到不了侍者手上。
- 在德語國家,結帳時告訴侍者你要付的總數。例如,賬單顯示41歐,遞給侍者50歐的票子時你可以說‘45’,這樣會找回5歐。
- 自己從吧台拿的食物和飲料不必付小費。(不過我自己經常忍不住,會留下一兩個硬幣)

- 短途湊個整數。例如13.2歐的車費,付14歐
- 長途有行李要另加。例如76歐可以付80歐,尤其是司機幫你拎行李趕飛機。

- 門童:每件行李1歐
- 打掃房間:離開時留下小額零錢

- 導遊一般會提示遊客付小費。如果對服務滿意每人給1-2歐

Rule of thumb
- 歐洲人工比美國貴,小費是獎勵,不是服務人員賴以生存的經濟來源,所以不必象在美國那樣大方。
- 入鄉隨俗是尊重當地文化的表現,如果有疑問請詢問當地的TI或旅館前台。


Any tip is appreciated, the stakes are low, and it’s no big deal if you choose the “wrong” amount.


Tipping in Europe
Rick Steves

Tipping in Europe isn’t as automatic and generous as it is in the United States, but in many countries, tips are appreciated, though not expected. As in the US, the proper amount depends on your resources, tipping philosophy, and the circumstances. That said, there are big tippers and there are misers the world over. Tipping varies by country, but some general guidelines apply.


Restaurant tips are more modest in Europe than in America. At restaurants, check the menu to see if service is included; if it isn’t, a tip of 5–10 percent is normal. In most places, 10 percent is a big tip. If your bucks talk at home, muzzle them on your travels. As a matter of principle, if not economy, the local price should prevail. Please believe me — tipping 15 or 20 percent in Europe is unnecessary, if not culturally ignorant.

Tipping is an issue only at restaurants that have waiters and waitresses. If you order your food at a counter (in a pub, for example), don’t tip.

At table-service restaurants, the tipping etiquette and procedure vary slightly from country to country. But in general, European servers are well paid, and tips are considered a small “bonus” — to reward great service or for simplicity in rounding the total bill to a convenient number.

In Mediterranean countries, the “service charge” (servizio in Italian, service in French, servicio in Spanish) can be handled in different ways. Sometimes the menu will note that the service is included (“servizio incluso”), meaning that the prices listed on the menu already have this charge built in. When the service is not included (“servizio non incluso”), the service charge might show up as a separate line item at the end of your bill. Fixed-price tourist deals (a.k.a. menu) include service.

In northern and eastern Europe, the menu or bill is less likely to address the “service charge,” but you can usually assume that it’s included in the prices.

Virtually anywhere in Europe, you can do as the Europeans do and (if you’re pleased with the service) add a euro or two for each person in your party. In very touristy areas, some servers have noticed the American obsession with overtipping — and might hope for a Yankee-size tip. But the good news is that European servers and diners are far more laid-back about all this than we are. Any tip is appreciated, the stakes are low, and it’s no big deal if you choose the “wrong” amount.

Typically, it’s better to hand the tip to the waiter when you’re paying your bill than to leave it on the table, particularly in busy places where the wrong party might pocket the change. Servers prefer to be tipped in cash even if you pay with your credit card (otherwise the tip may never reach your server); in many cases, there isn’t even a line on the credit-card receipt for a tip.

In Germanic countries, it’s considered discreet and classy to say the total number of euros you’d like the waiter to keep (including his tip) when paying. So, if the bill is €41, hand him €50 while saying, “45.” You’ll get €5 back and feel pretty European.


For taxis, round up to the next euro on the fare (to pay a €13 fare, give €14); for a long ride, to the nearest 10 (for a €76 fare, give €80). If the cabbie hauls your bags and zips you to the airport to help you catch your flight, you might want to toss in a little more. But if you feel like you’re being driven in circles or otherwise ripped off, skip the tip.


hotels with porters, pay the porter a euro for each bag he carries; it’s nice (but not required) to leave a small tip in your room for the housekeeping staff when you depart.

Other Services

Tipping for special service is optional. Guides who give talks at public sights or on bus or boat tours often hold out their hands for tips after they give their spiel. If I’ve already paid for the tour or admission to the sight, I don’t tip extra (but if you want to tip, a euro or two is enough for a job well done). In general, if someone in the service industry does a super job for you, a tip of a couple of euros is appropriate...but not required.

When in doubt, ask. The French and British generally tip hairdressers, the Dutch and Swedish usually don’t. If you’re not sure whether (or how much) to tip for a service, ask your hotelier or the tourist information office; they’ll fill you in on how it’s done on their turf.







多謝貓班總結。放入“行程攻略”主題,便於查詢。 -看風景- 給 看風景 發送悄悄話 看風景 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2014 postreply 08:33:20

謝! -石假裝- 給 石假裝 發送悄悄話 石假裝 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2014 postreply 03:06:10

唉,晚了一步。膜拜一下,親愛的小黑貓,翻得真好!言簡意賅! -金大班- 給 金大班 發送悄悄話 金大班 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2014 postreply 08:44:29

大謝。讓俺們省錢了。 -周遊列國逍遙人生- 給 周遊列國逍遙人生 發送悄悄話 周遊列國逍遙人生 的博客首頁 (65 bytes) () 08/14/2014 postreply 10:20:06

關鍵是,咱別花了錢還落個cultural ignorance的名頭:)。。 -小黑貓- 給 小黑貓 發送悄悄話 小黑貓 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2014 postreply 12:06:44

謝貓班。很有用。 -Cheers99- 給 Cheers99 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2014 postreply 10:45:50

不客氣,我覺得這篇還比較全。 -小黑貓- 給 小黑貓 發送悄悄話 小黑貓 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2014 postreply 12:07:23

總結得很好~~~ -安娜晴天- 給 安娜晴天 發送悄悄話 安娜晴天 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2014 postreply 12:33:00

我在網上查到的結論是不給小費,有沒有住歐洲的同學談談你們平時怎麽給小費? -海魂衫- 給 海魂衫 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2014 postreply 13:45:07

我一般10% 左右,湊個整數好看。服務特別好的,節假日20% -安娜晴天- 給 安娜晴天 發送悄悄話 安娜晴天 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2014 postreply 15:15:56

支持你,出去玩就是撒錢,兩個人吃頓飯70歐,小費算啥。 -好酒- 給 好酒 發送悄悄話 好酒 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2014 postreply 16:46:14

當然應該給的,我一般給5%-10%,也會湊個整數。貓班總結得很到位。歐洲不用給小 費絕對是誤傳。 -XiaoL- 給 XiaoL 發送悄悄話 XiaoL 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2014 postreply 23:16:26

以前當學生時在餐館打過工的經曆,隻要服務不是太離譜,我們的小費總會超過平均的標準,無論在美國還是其它地方。 -aranjuez- 給 aranjuez 發送悄悄話 aranjuez 的博客首頁 (231 bytes) () 08/14/2014 postreply 19:56:25

A兄好久不見,問好。請教:聽說小費用信用卡付,算侍者收入需要上稅,是這樣嗎? -小黑貓- 給 小黑貓 發送悄悄話 小黑貓 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2014 postreply 13:03:27

謝謝!也問好貓版。最近俗物纏身,為五鬥米窮忙,錯過不少好帖,包括你的烏雲尼大片,得好好惡補一番。 -aranjuez- 給 aranjuez 發送悄悄話 aranjuez 的博客首頁 (618 bytes) () 08/15/2014 postreply 18:51:04

做事認真,待人厚道,你兩真是好人。 -小黑貓- 給 小黑貓 發送悄悄話 小黑貓 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/17/2014 postreply 19:06:31

Rick 的大扇子打個招呼 -Crystaldowns- 給 Crystaldowns 發送悄悄話 Crystaldowns 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2014 postreply 09:57:44

歐洲和美國不一樣, 小費可給但不是必須。當學生時,吃飯湊個整數, 現在加一二歐元就行。他們有工資 -marienplatz- 給 marienplatz 發送悄悄話 marienplatz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2014 postreply 12:46:39
