
本帖於 2010-09-01 10:25:42 時間, 由版主 美國老土 編輯

找工作不容易,過五關斬六將,最後被自己的reference阻攔住,這是最不應該發生的事。找reference Rule no. 1, 老土以前提到過的:“隻找說咱好話的人作reference, 3q!”
做reference Rule no. 1: 咱隻說他的好話, 3q!

我為一些同事做過reference, 有白人、印度人,(中國人不一定放心我的語言能力),從沒砸過鍋。從我自己找工作的過程中學習到的幾個案例,總結出的我對類似問題的標準答案:

1 我在鈴兒響叮當公司的reference:此人坐過接近於VP的管理職位,如果不是因為反托拉斯法,公司合了分,分了合,恐怕不會止步於此。

- How do you rate his "brain surgery" skill, range is 1 to 10, 10's the best.

- 9

- Why do you give him 9, not 10?

- (此公立即警覺到自己漏嘴了)well, nobody is perfect, nobody knows everything, each everyone of us got to improve at some point somehow, don't you agree? I think 9 is a very very good score.

- But you seemed having reservation about him...

- (開始補台)No, I would recommend him without any reservation. He's very knowledgeable. He is the go to person in the group.

- Why you gave him 9 then?

- (修正)I did not fully understand your score system just now. OK, let me correct myself. I give him 10. He can do the job, with excellent quality and efficiency.


2 回答tricky的問題,比如:該同誌有何需要改進之處。


He is the perfect employee in my team. He took the initiative of rewriting XYZ system, cutting the new service delivery time from 2 weeks to 1 hour. I am perfectly happy with his work. Unfortunately our client stopped the contract with us, so I don't have the fund to keep him. I hate to see him leave. I feel very frustrated that the company sent good people to the street. I would not hesitate to call him back if the situation is changed.



如果你找的reference沒有這點兒basic common sense,趁早換人 -- 你賣房子,你會雇一個向客戶傳達負麵信息的二百五中介嗎?


胡哥說之弗胡說,找推薦人好話說.告別昨日西曆丸,來年說之是經驗. -美國老土- 給 美國老土 發送悄悄話 美國老土 的博客首頁 (159 bytes) () 09/01/2010 postreply 10:38:44

很及時的信息,多謝分享! -baby09- 給 baby09 發送悄悄話 (731 bytes) () 09/01/2010 postreply 10:44:58

"hiring manager 認為不專業",你怎麽知道的? -吃糖?- 給 吃糖? 發送悄悄話 (49 bytes) () 09/01/2010 postreply 11:04:57

基本同意糠老分析 -胡說之- 給 胡說之 發送悄悄話 胡說之 的博客首頁 (228 bytes) () 09/01/2010 postreply 11:15:28

回複:基本同意糠老分析 -baby09- 給 baby09 發送悄悄話 (380 bytes) () 09/01/2010 postreply 11:41:48

reference的動向要密切掌握 -胡說之- 給 胡說之 發送悄悄話 胡說之 的博客首頁 (274 bytes) () 09/01/2010 postreply 11:54:07

謝謝提醒!我以前也以為隻提供電話就夠了 -Baby09- 給 Baby09 發送悄悄話 (265 bytes) () 09/01/2010 postreply 12:06:21

那如果請人做Reference,要告訴那個人應該講什麽嗎? -真的??- 給 真的?? 發送悄悄話 (42 bytes) () 09/01/2010 postreply 12:02:07

一定要了解自己的reference -胡說之- 給 胡說之 發送悄悄話 胡說之 的博客首頁 (288 bytes) () 09/01/2010 postreply 12:43:39

如果不是千裏之遠,一定請你作REFERENCE !!回複:做reference的常識 -sillyone- 給 sillyone 發送悄悄話 (95 bytes) () 09/01/2010 postreply 16:14:26
