下麵是我找到的canyonland national park 禁止攀爬拱門的信息

來源: xsz 2012-12-31 18:30:36 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2679 bytes)

由於這一帶特殊的地貌吸引了眾多的攀岩愛好者。這個公園規定了什麽可以攀爬什麽不可以。 其中任何拱門都不允許攀爬。


The sandstone towers at the Island in the Sky attract the most rock climbers. Little climbing is done in the rest of the park due to the poor rock quality and a lack of established routes. Permits are not required for technical rock climbing unless it involves an overnight stay in the backcountry.


Technical rock climbing is prohibited in the Salt Creek Archeological District in the Needles, in Horseshoe Canyon, into any archeological site or cultural resource, or on any arch or natural bridge in Canyonlands National Park or the Orange Cliffs Unit of Glen Canyon NRA named on a USGS map, with the exception of Washer Woman Arch at the Island in the Sky. The intentional removal of lichen or plants from rock is prohibited. The physical altering of rock faces by chiseling, glue reinforcement of existing holds, and gluing of new holds is prohibited. The use of motorized power drills is prohibited.



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