------- George Georgiou ------
George Georgiou (B 1961,UK),上期Winship Vanessa的老公,也是牛人一枚。Mr. Georgiou describes himself as a “strangely optimistic” person。看片後,些許能感受到他的奇怪的樂觀,但感受更多的是那種深深的疏離感和寂寞.
a. 生活
b. 彩色人像
c. 城市風光
d. 故事。戰爭與災難的故事不少,這裏采用一組拍攝殘疾兒童機構的片子,相對少一些血腥,多一些思考和手法變換,這組似乎體現一些他的strangely optimistic。
1. 個人網站: http://www.georgegeorgiou.net/projects.php
2. 評論文章: http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/08/20/george-georgiou-in-turkey/
起初在拍Kosovo時,其風格如他自己所說:“My black-and-white work in Kosovo was more emotional and personal” “This required a contrast of styles to something landscape driven, and relatively devoid of people.”,可見當時他的套路基本是無人的風光片。
而在土耳其的項目中,George-georgiou則做出新的嚐試,即“alienating landscape”的風光風格,即大麵積建築物背景配以少量人物,用以突出疏離與孤寂。
該文中還引用了一些George-georgiou 的’名言’,采之一二,供日後忽悠:
1.“I was fascinated by how this sort of swamps all of us, and everyone is lost in their own heads,”
2.“I am drawn to the space we find ourselves in generally as human beings”
Mr. Georgiou describes himself as a “strangely optimistic” person.
3.“I don’t believe that we are all going to end up the same because of globalization,” he said. “When I am in the States, it still feels like the States as opposed to Europe, which still feels like Europe. In general we are always making our lives better with each generation.”
4. “It is as if they are each saying,‘We will not allow ourselves to be defined by others.’”