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模仿Biden speech

2023-10-02 12:12:18 播放 1020 評論 0
2020.12.15日, 從油管上看到Biden演講。 自己邊聽邊記, 寫下講稿。 然後模仿biden的演講自己講一遍。 效果一般。 在這裏分享一下。
Biden addresses nation after Electoral College affirms his win

Today, a member of the Electoral College representing the certified winner, cast their votes for president / vice president of the United States, in an act, just as old as our nation itself. Once again, the American in America, the rule of law, our constitution, and the will of the people prevailed.

Our democracy pushed, tested, threatened, proved to be resilient, true and strong.

The Electoral College votes which occurred today, effect the fact that even in the face of a public health crisis unlike anything we’ve experienced in our lifetimes: the people voted, they voted record numbers. More Americans voted this year than they’ve ever voted in the history of the United States of America. Over one hundred and fifty five million Americans were determined, to have their voices heard and their votes counted. (0-1:00)

In the start of this pandemic, this crisis, many were wondering, how many Americans would actually vote at all. But those fears proved to be unfounded. … (這是我的博文原始鏈接,暫時關閉。 )

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