想起我朋友的一件好笑事,她公司很多鬼佬,對中華文化很有興趣,每次大夥兒去吃飯都帶上那些鬼佬,他們就不停地問東問西,坐在她旁邊的鬼佬每上一個菜就要問她,這是什麽菜,那是什麽菜,讓她非常頭疼,要拚命地向他解釋,說明,死好多腦細胞,後來上了一道炒青菜,那鬼佬非要她解釋青菜是什麽菜!她煩透了,就說,青菜!Qing cai is Qing cai! Now Eat!!
澳洲這裏的超級市場也賣幾種亞洲的蔬菜,白菜就是buk choy! 沒人翻譯成white vege! 哈!
全該音譯!(最多菜單旁邊加注解,那些studpid菜名都該屬於注解內容)讓老外自己記住 what is MapoToufu and what is Yuxiangrousi...they just need to learn once, next time, they can remember and speak out the name of the dishes as we Chinese people do....世界文明的中國菜deserve to have their own names and Chinese people deserve to have foreigners to remember the same names of the dishes we cook.
澳洲這裏的超級市場也賣幾種亞洲的蔬菜,白菜就是buk choy! 沒人翻譯成white vege! 哈!