評論: 德州州長連頒三道行政令阻止中共在德州的影響力

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seawalker 發表評論於 2024-11-21 15:08:47
fonsony 發表評論於 2024-11-21 12:59:24
匿名3333 發表評論於 2024-11-21 10:36:12

懶得編筆名 發表評論於 2024-11-21 09:17:37
匿名3333 發表評論於 2024-11-21 08:54:27感覺在北美這麽多年沒有收到過任何政府的影響力。倒是受到過不少來自有色人種的歧視和傷害,其中不乏本民族的。我相信大部分華人都是如此,沒事招惹政府幹嗎?
土撥鼠撥土 發表評論於 2024-11-21 09:15:04
匿名3333 發表評論於 2024-11-21 08:54:27
注冊怎麽這麽難 發表評論於 2024-11-21 08:53:54
驀然回首 發表評論於 2024-11-21 08:19:05
seewhatisee 發表評論於 2024-11-21 08:14:41
京西觀察使 發表評論於 2024-11-21 07:59:24
FreeEnergy95 發表評論於 2024-11-21 07:40:41
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-11-21 07:32:47
Part 3
Woe to the ayatollah of Iran. Not only will you be removed by My hand, I will annihilate your army that you have moving toward My Israel and My United States.

All the money and the weapons you’ve been give to you by the United States is not enough for you to keep what you want or to fulfil what you have assigned to fulfil against My nations. Iran you should have ran away instead of kept pursuing My people. So now you will be annihilated by My hand says the Lord.
My children many leaders of nations and of terrorist organizations will be removed in unprecedented ways. Not one will be left standing as judgment hits the nations of the world. None of the leaders will be left that are against Me.

Woe to those Chinese spies in this nation and among the leaders of Washington. Your sudden removals are coming. My children, the leaders of your nation who have been paid by China or controlled and blackmailed by China will soon be expunged out of leadership and their influence.

A massive Chinese spy operation in Washington is about to be torn apart and exposed in front of the world.
My children brace for this impact of explosive evidence that is coming to rid your country and govt of the snakes, the wolves and the rats that have controlled you.

A sudden shaking is about to take place that will stop the plans against you. So stand against those plans, call them down into nothing and you will see just that says the Lord Your Redeemer.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-11-21 07:31:47
Part 2
They have waged war against your bodies. Your enemies have poisoned you in every way possible. They give you medications to cause more issues in your bodies, to keep you enslaved to Big Pharma, because if you are sick then you are too weak to fight them back.

They have taxed you into a slavery. I repeatedly told you your tax system is not what this country was designed to have.

Instead of your tax dollars and your tax system going to help strengthen the people of this nation and to strengthen your economy and to strengthen this nation as a whole, it has been designed for Washington elites, to weaken you and to destroy you, along with enslaving you financially under such a burden of taxation, you would lose everything while they gained everything they wanted. It's all been a lie and that is why I had to allow you to see them out in the open, so you could see who those politicians really are that they have hijacked your nation and now it’s time to take it back says the Lord of Hosts.

O leaders in Washington, your next steps against this nation you will regret because judgment is coming that I have warned you about. You try to send an army against this nation, I will send Mine and My Army is undefeated. So back off now with your foreign militia. I see your plans and I see how you will try to attack this nation. You will not succeed in your efforts to stop the Inauguration of My son. I will stop all coups. I will stop an insurrection. I will stop your war. I will stop your sabotage like I have time and time again. Don’t you see? He’s protected by Me. This nation is Mine and I will make sure you let My people go, just as I have done in times past.

I’m eradicating every one of you who are against Me out of every seat in every part of Govt. I will evict you and every enemy you brought here to secure your success of keeping the White House and every form of governmental power, but it will all fail and it will fail miserably.

Woe to those who are part of the Establishment and the Old Guard in Washington and the leadership roles in the States across this nation. I am cleaning house and not one of you against Me will be left says the Lord of Hosts.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-11-21 07:30:42
rumble. com/v5rlz1b-live-with-julie.html?start=520
[Word heard – November 19, 2024]

My children, your enemies whispers are growing louder. The closer it gets to My David’s returning to the presidency, the more your enemies are growing in fear and anguish of losing the power and privilege they have now with the system they have put into place for themselves. They’re becoming more frantic as the days pass by and Inauguration Day seems to be clear that it will take place. Their arch nemesis taking their power and tearing apart their Establishment.

My children you enemies silence to the public of their anger and fear is more dangerous than people realized. Their shock will soon return to revenge and a war if possible and that is why you are to rise up because your enemies are craving for war. I have warned you about a war that most don’t realize could strike this nation at any moment. Their war against you started years ago, attacking your freedoms that have grown with intensity in the last 4 years. They have waged war against truth by sending their attack dogs out everyday on their MSM to bring fear and deception to masses, to brainwash, to coerce them into a submission they didn’t even realize they were taking part in. They have waged war against your children and their education, sexuality, with pornography and transgenderism.

They’ve waged war against your dollar and the security of your superpower status by working with foreign nations and global elites to weaken the dollar and to collapse the economy of this great nation to bring it into their One World Govt.

They have waged war against the church by sending their own inside to teach the church false doctrines and their religious mindsets, to deceive the people into a version of Me and of My Word that is so twisted that it blinds their eyes to the truth.

They have waged war against your 3-letter agencies and instead of them protecting your freedoms, they have been helping to take them away and allowing foreign nations to receive crucial information about your intel of this country to weaken you, to allow a terrorist attack on a scale you didn’t see coming or would think could take place. Terrorist attacks that have been against this nation have been more silent than other ones that are more obvious and out in the open.

They have waged war against your elections to secure their own, to keep their system and Establishment in place for decades. They have wanted war on your freedom of speech to keep you silent so the truth could not be heard so it would keep people in a bondage and a slavery.

Don’t you see My children? When so much of the world thought this nation was free, it really wasn’t. It was an illusion to bring more bondage without people realizing what was really going on before it was too late.
alextelltale 發表評論於 2024-11-21 07:06:00
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