Another whistle blower will blow the doors off the DOJ with proof how they were connected to the assassination attempts against My David.
An Explosion of truth is coming to destroy what your enemies are trying to hide everywhere. It will come out in the open what your enemies have tried to bury. My children everything is about to change in this nation as you know it because this is a time of removals, but it is also a time of restoration and retribution of everything they have stolen from you says the Lord.
Governors will fall. Senators will fall. Congressmen and women will fall. Every dirty politician will fall because nothing can hold back the truth that will destroy all their lies that have kept them in their positions.
Hollywood is about to be torn apart because people are coming out to expose the filth that has held it together and the chokehold they’ve had over this nation is over. The influence and the ability to help Washington is all about to be torn apart and every actor in Washington playing certain parts, everyone will be unmasked says the Lord.
My children, the movie that has been played out in front o you is about to come to an end. Everything and everyone will be revealed and justice will be served.
Something significant is about to take place in Colorado. A rat’s nest of corruption is about to be exposed who has allowed those gangs to take over and who in your govt is paying them. I will completely expose Washington and all that they have done to bring in murderers to destroy your nation. This wall of corruption is about to crumble before your very eyes says the Lord of Host.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-11-13 07:53:43
You will start to see more betrayals and more sabotaging going on in Washington, before they’re all removed. They are all in survival mode, trying to figure out how to stay afloat. The Biden will continue to defy his puppet masters and his last jabs to see them fall like he has. Revenge in Washington is growing where no one trusts each other. What Washington doesn’t realize yet is that everything they are planning to disrupt the transition with My David and certifying the election will not go their way but just the opposite. More whistle-blowers are coming forward to prove the indictments came from Obama and all the swamp rats in Washington. There will be proof of every person in Washington who collaborated and went with these plans and who was paid to move these indictments forward. You will see governors and AG’s standing up in defiance of My David, everyone will fail because they will all be exposed and removed by Me says the Lord.
Leticia James and Kathy Hochul, all the stench that comes from your state of all of the crimes you have both allowed to take place, there is a whistle blower coming to expose all that you have taken part in. You will not only be removed but you’ll both be imprisoned for the crimes you’ve committed against your own state and against this country.
Gavin Newsom, you will soon be removed from being governor because judgment is coming for you. Oh what you have done against this nation and your dreams of becoming President will soon disappear. The whistle-blower is coming to expose you and all that you hold dear and it will be ripped from you. Gavin Newsom you are finished says the Lord of Hosts.
My children, the swamp rats are about to be forced out with the truth that is about to hit the airwaves. Some of these whistle-blowers have been held back until the Trump Cards were played at the very right time.
Revenge in Washington is Growing
[Word heard – November 9, 2024]
For I the Lord this day am telling you My children, the shaking that has begun in Washington is about to get worse for those who are against Me. They have tried to turn a page to stay in power and they failed miserably. There’s a civil war going on behind closed doors in DC because they are all out panic seeing how the majority of citizens in this nation have rejected their narrative, their agenda and their version of what they wanted the United States to be become.
Seeing they have lost miserably, they are trying to play clean up and destroy any records of the crimes they have committed. They’re trying to wipe out their servers, emails, text messages, phone calls. They’re trying to hide their money trails of corruption. They have continued to deny the truth and put this country into a state of collapse.
The White house is in an all out panic because they don’t know how to clean up every crime scene in time of everything that they participated in before My David’s return in power. The puppet masters are turning on their puppets for failing them from keeping President Trump from returning to the White House.
Your enemies don’t realize I have infiltrators in their midst, capturing every moment and everything they are doing to cover up their corruption against this nation. I had their servers, their emails, phone conversations, text messages, videos and audio, proof of it all, There’s nothing they can hide from Me says the Lord.
The Biden will try to continue to get revenge, for what the Left has done to him. So he wants to continue to get revenge for what the Left has done to him. Kamala is about to do something that Biden won’t see coming.
There is growing tensions between Pelosi, the Biden, Obama, Chuck Schumer and many other Deep State Mob bosses and their puppets.