評論: 大選最後衝刺對象 關於“未決選民” 或許我們誤解了

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旁觀者XWY 發表評論於 2024-11-05 12:57:00
GuoLuke2 發表評論於 2024-11-05 11:09:38
shakuras2000 發表評論於 2024-11-05 07:43:33 這說明懂王反複對選民說選舉造假,也會backfire,因為信他的有一部分就不會出來了
要臉而已 發表評論於 2024-11-05 10:18:08
人在旅途2024 發表評論於 2024-11-05 08:50:13
aquestion 發表評論於 2024-11-05 08:20:19
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-11-05 08:06:06

Don’t listen to their words of trying to throw My David in prison and throwing away the key. There is a key that will be used but it’ll not be your enemies.

I have so many things laid up for you, so you do not see regarding your victory. Your enemies will try so much against you because they know the truth is coming. They know proof is coming. They know potential defeat is coming and it’s guaranteed. Your enemies will fall in front of the world. They’ll be ripped from their power in this hour. So My children STAND UP AND SHOUT YOUR ENEMIES OUT says the Lord of Hosts.

More Words of Encouragement ...

We’re at the Red Sea Moment…He was revealing to me all the different things He’s already done for this nation. And we’ve seen a lot of it in the past several years. And God is saying you’re at that Red Sea where you are going to see Me. We’re going to see Him do something that’s UNPRECEDENTED…that we’ve been longing for Him to do. On the other side of the Sea there was a wilderness. There was a time before they actually got their total freedom and their Promised Land. It shouldn’t have gone on that long.

He’s warned us about what happens after this election and what they’ll do up to Inauguration Day. YES WE SHOULD BE CELEBRATING KNOWING THAT OUR GOD IS ON OUR SIDE AND THAT’S WHAT GIVES US HOPE. Knowing that He’s been saving our nation in a day, over and over and over again. He’s been proving to us that He will not fail. He’s been proving to us that He has not turned His back on our country, even though it looked at times like He did. He didn’t. HE’S BEEN FAITHFUL and that’s where we trust Him…
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-11-05 08:01:41
rumble. com/v5m3ozo-live-with-julie.html?start=890

This Nation will not Stay in the Hands of the Establishment
[Word heard – November 3, 2024]

Oh My United States, why do you fear what your enemies can do? Why do you fear that they can steal another election and stay in control over this nation? My children don’t you trust that I am the Most High God? Don’t you trust Me when I say I have defeated the enemy? Do you not trust My Words that I have given that you are more than conquerors?

That I have made you stronger than the oppressors because I have. Don’t you see the fear and the lies your enemies are using to gain power over you and this nation? This nation will not stay in the hands of the Establishment.

They are about to unleash things against you that will bring much discouragement and confusion wondering - is there going to be an all-out Civil War? They will try to crowd your streets and protest in violence. They will deny the election results and scream about their so-called democracy when all they care about is control and their precious Establishment.

Your enemies and their plans are a joke. When they fill your streets, you fill your houses and your neighborhoods with My praise. Praise Me louder as much as you can and you will see how fast your enemies completely fall from power. I have promised to bring you a victory and it doesn’t matter what your enemies are up to. It doesn’t matter what they throw at you. None of it is bigger than Me. So do not be surprised when things appear worse after the election, of your enemies chaos and attacks against you, because they will lose as they always do.

Have I not proven to you by now that I am protecting this nation from the hands of the wicked? Have you not heard the prophetic words I’ve given and seen them taking place? I’m the Deliverer and I’m the One who saves nations from evil, that Satan uses to destroy them. This is My nation and this machine that’s against it will be torn apart by My hand and it will never recover.

My children this is where your faith comes in, where fighting the good fight comes in. This is when everything will shake around you and it will not shake the ones whose hearts are fixed on Me.

Don’t you see I am that I am. I am the same in My Word as I am now. This nation and all My children around the world – I will not fail you. So do not fear what you’re about to hear. Do not believe in your enemies threats against your election being certified.
shakuras2000 發表評論於 2024-11-05 07:43:33
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