According to latest "news", Columbus is a Jew. His discovery of North and South America make mankind go forward, but killed millions of natives by disease. This is perhaps side proof Columbus was a Jew :-.
Native Americans naively showed Lewis and Clark the way to the pacific - it is end.
10 years before Musk dies, I hope he take a shuttle to Mars. That would make him a historical figure.
Musk is a STEM nerd whose family owns a gold mine. So ... he can wlasy fall back to be an owner of gold mine.
goodmum 發表評論於 2024-10-14 16:07:00民主開明社會才能出現百花齊放百家爭鳴百舸爭流局麵和人才。這種環境中國千年曆史曇花一現隻出現過一次,孔子老子孟子的時代,所以一直被敬仰從未被超越,因為再沒出現過那樣的環境。