評論: 習近平的兩難挑戰 中國加速拉攏“全球南方”

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老寓公 發表評論於 2023-05-15 11:50:04


car88 發表評論於 2023-05-15 09:32:40
不好吃懶做 發表評論於 2023-05-15 09:05:48
“習主席已經明示,安全高於發展" - Of cause everything X/CCP do is to protect and maintain their rule and control of China and pass such things to their children, so for that they can make millions of Chinese people die of stravation in 1960 and drove tanks to kill Chinese student in 1989, and they will do anything they can to protect themselves and ask so many idiots to do so.
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