

阿塞拜疆散記(1)Virgin tower

(2006-03-26 10:25:32) 下一個


Virgin tower


Gone the maiden with her lover

To where thou not know

Left here only virgin tower

Lonely waiting day and night



Caspian sea is thy tears

Blue, deep and shy

How much torture thou have weathered through

Thy dream at last comes true



Wrinkled becomes my face

But years never make me old

Thy mild touch floods my memories

Across the spaces I feel thy heart



Seagulls are thy soul

Fly restlessly in my eyes

One hug will dissolve me away

Like a river flows to where thou stay



When can you free me

How long should I keep suffering

In this endless rain and snow


I am standing there

Looking out to the sea

Silently murmuring thy name

Please come back to me



Next life I won’t be the virgin tower

To prison you, my dear

But a highjacker to steal you away




Snow-white 2006/03/26貼於巴庫。


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