  • 博客訪問:

【一首老歌】River of no return

(2007-06-01 18:35:27) 下一個


River of No Return

 If you listen, you can hear it call,
 Wailaree! (Wailaree!)
 There is a river called the River of No Return
 Sometimes it's peaceful, and sometimes wild and free.
 Love is a traveler on the River of No Return.
 Swept on forever to be lost in the stormy sea. (Wailaree!)
 I can hear the river call, No return, no return, No return, no return. (Wailaree!)
 I can hear my lover call, "Come to me." (No return, no return)
 I lost my love on the river and forever my heart will yearn.
 Gone, gone forever down the River of No Return. Wailaree! (Wailaree!)
 You never return to me. (No return, no return)

Autumn 06/01/2007 Evening

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Autumn 回複 悄悄話 river of no return...
water6 回複 悄悄話 很美很喜歡的一首老歌啦. 在這歌聲中, 回憶卻總是倒著走...
Glider 回複 悄悄話 If you listen, you can hear it call, Wailaree! (Wailaree!)

There is a river called the River of No Return

Sometimes it's peaceful, and sometimes wild and free.

Love is a traveler on the River of No Return.

Swept on forever to be lost in the stormy sea. (Wailaree!)

I can hear the river call, No return, no return, No return, no return. (Wailaree!)

I can hear my lover call, "Come to me." (No return, no return)

I lost my love on the river and forever my heart will yearn.

Gone, gone forever down the River of No Return. Wailaree! (Wailaree!)


You never return to me. (No return, no return)