  • 博客訪問:

【靜夜聆聽】Should It Matter

(2007-06-10 01:14:46) 下一個

  I look at you
  Please don't walk away
  I see you're about to
  There is just something I'd really like to say
  So please don't walk away

  I know that you're there
  Still you pretend you're not
  Yes I know it hurts
  I have also felt the pain

  So should it matter
  What I do or what I've done
  As long as in my heart
  You're still the only one
  I hear you say it
  But I don't think you understand
  I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can

  It's been a year
  a memory from my past
  I know what I did wrong
  I wish to change
  Just to make it last
  But I guess it's been too long

  Easy to move on
  To forget to about it all
  Is that what you do, hoping I will be gone

  So should it matter
  What I do or what I've done
  As long as in my heart
  You're still the only one
  I hear you say it
  But I don't think you understand
  I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can

  If you got to know me again
  Maybe then -- maybe then
  We could see what what we should do
  But that's all up to you
  I'll be waiting for you

  So should it matter
  What I do or what I've done
  As long as in my heart
  You're still the only one
  I hear you say it
  But I don't think you understand
  I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can

  I hear you say it
  But I don't think you understand
  I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can

    Autumn 06/10/2007
  Should    It    Matter
Singer: Sissel

一度為這首歌尋找配圖傷透了腦筋,今天偶然點進阿玫的"Return to love"以及水奉獻的 整理版,驚喜的體會到“眾裏尋她千百度”的感覺。



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閱讀 ()評論 (5)
Autumn 回複 悄悄話 Passenger好!

passenger 回複 悄悄話 It's fantastic post, speechless and unforgetable.
Autumn 回複 悄悄話 You never fail me, that I know... hug.
water6 回複 悄悄話 秋, 這張帖子, 堪稱經典.

I can't walk away because you....