Perennial Nook Garden - A Spring-Summer ShowThis border plan, designed in English country-garden style, features an assortment of spring and summer-blooming plants. A rugosa rose and two white-flowered shrubs - deutzia and mock orange - anchor the composition.

The PlantsA. Anchusa azurea 'Loddon Royalist' (2)
B. Aquilegia McKana Giants (McKana hybrids) COLUMBINE (1)
C. Campanula glomerata 'Joan Elliott' CLUSTERED BELLFLOWER (3)
D. Campanula persicifolia 'Telham Beauty' PEACH-LEAFED BLUEBELL (6)
E. Chrysanthemum maximum (Leucanthemum x superbum) 'Esther Read' SHASTA DAISY (2)
F. Delphinium elatum'Lord Butler' CANDLE DELPHINIUM (3)
G. Deutzia gracilis SLENDER DEUTZIA (1)
• Potentilla fruticosa 'Abbotswood'
H. Filipendula rubra 'Venusta' QUEEN OF THE PRAIRIE (3)
I. Geranium himalayense LILAC CRANESBILL (1)
J. Iris 'Papillon' SIBERIAN IRIS (3)
K. Iris 'Vanity' BEARDED IRIS (3)
L. Kniphofia'Primrose Beauty' RED-HOT POKER (1)
• Hnmerocallis 'Hyperion' DAYLILY (2)
M. Malva alcea 'Fastigiata' HOLLYHOCK MALLOW (3)
N. Nepeta x faassenii CATM I NT (3)
0. Paeonia 'Festiva Maxima' PEONY (1)
P. Papaver orientale 'Allegro' ORIENTAL POPPY (1)
Q. Philadelphus x virginalis 'Minnesota Snowflake' MOCK ORANGE (1)
R. Phlox maculata (P. Carolina) 'Miss Lingard' CAROLINA PHLOX (3)
S. Phlox subulata 'White Delight' MOSS PHLOX (6)
T. Platycodon grandiflorus mariesii BALLOON FLOWER (4)
U. Rosa rugosa 'Therese Bugnet' ROSE (1)
V. Stachys byzantina 'Silver Carpet' LAMB'S EARS (2)
W. Veronica austriaca teucrium 'Crater Lake Blue' SPEEDWELL (3)