Funny Jeff

Jeff is a funny boy. See how funny he is ...

I lost my third baby tooth

(2006-02-20 22:56:15) 下一個

One of my baby tooth was loosing. I keep wiggling my tooth for a few weeks. I am dreaming what tooth fairy will give me for my third tooth. I got 1 dollar and 2 dollars for my first and second tooth. I really want her to give me "Ben Ten" Watch even though my friend told me that Ben Ten is a cartoon character and he is not real. Or 100 dollar bill will make me really happy, at least $33, so I can get Yu-Gi-O card deck.

In order to make tooth fairy happy about my tooth, I put tiny tooth paste on my finger, and used tooth brush to dip the tooth paste, and brushed my third baby tooth in my hand carefully.

I am dreaming "Ben Ten", $100 bill or at least $33 when I put my tooth under my pillow.

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