
2023 年秋季 US Coast to Coast Trip

(2024-10-13 16:39:41) 下一個

我們計劃10月中出發,12月8號之前回來。結果提前了10天左右,主要是在New Orleans 碰到下雨,隻停了兩天就離開了, 另外到了旅程的後半段,有點兒看疲了,就想著趕緊回家。這次旅程出發前,我隻知道我們會去大峽穀,大煙山和Tempa,至於其他地方看什麽完全沒有準備,基本都是到了當地,要不看旅遊手冊,要不在google map上麵找attractions,可以說是一個非常隨意的旅程,好處是出發之前不stress,另外到了當地會發現一些意想不到的景點or博物館,這也是這次旅程最大的highlights。關於住宿,提前預定的隻有兩個國家公園:大峽穀和大煙山,和Tempa附近的RV resort,其他的露營地都是當天臨時找的,因為不是旺季,沒有碰到晚上沒地方住的情況,有幾天我們自己選擇住在Casino的parking lot,省了露營地費用,我們會去casino裏麵吃一頓。關於吃,大部分我們是在Costco 和Walmart supercenter 采購食物,自己在車上做。如果當地有特色食物我們也會去吃,比如新墨西哥州的墨墨飯,德州的BBQ,Houston的中餐,感恩節晚餐我們都在外麵吃的。途中我們走訪了三位大學和高中同學,也了解了同學們在美國其他地方的生活狀況,跟加州確實有不少差別。因為是road trip,我們帶著max,這隻小狗經過這次旅行,足跡(his pee and poop) 已經遍及美國20個州,應該算是狗上狗了。

Mileage: 7,000+ miles, Main route: I40  eastbound and I10 westbound

Gas: $1,545

15 States:

California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessean, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana    

6 National Parks: 

1. Grand Canyon NP, AZ

2. Petrified Forest NP, NM

3. Great Smoky NP, TN

4. Congaree NP, SC

5. White Sand NP, NM

6. Saguaro NP, AZ

15 Museums: 

1. Museum of Nuclear Science, Albuquerque,NW

2. Meteor Museum, Albuquerque, NW

3. Arkansas National Guard Museum, Little Rock, AR

4. MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History, Little Rock, AR

5. Jacksonville AR Museum of Military History, Jacksonville, AR

6. Civil Rights Museum , Memphis, TN

7. South Carolina Military Museum, Columbia, SC

8. USS Yorktown and USS Laffey(destroyer), Charleston, SC

9. Foley Railway Museum in Foley, AB

10. USS Alabama (battleship) and USS Drum (submarine) in Mobile, AB

11. Jefferson Davis Home and Presidential Library,Biloxi, Mississippi

12. National WWII Museum in New Orleans, LA

13. Acadia Cajun Culture Museum, Lafayette , LA

14. Space Center Houston, TX

15. Titan Missile Museum, Tucson, AZ

28 Campgrounds: (rating scale 1-5)

1. Grand Canyon: 4 (national park)

2. Meteor RV park AZ: 1 (close to highway and railway)

3. Bluewater Lake State Park, NM: 3.8 (nice view, nice shower, flushing restroom is too far, unpaved ground)

4. Saddle RV park, Tucumcari, NM: 3.8 (average commercial RV park)

5. Sayre city park, OK : 2.5 (too many poky things in the grass, very old facilities)

6. Lake Thunderbird State Park, OK: 3 (too many poky things in the grass, max's nightmare, lake view is good)

7. Maumelle Park Campground, AR : 4.5 (a lot of trees, campground is very spacious, by the river)

8. Willow Beach Recreation Area & Campground, AR: 4 ( spacious campground, great grass,  just too many bugs)

9. Wall Doxey State Park, Mississippi: 4 (in the woods, facilities are kinda old)

10. Tombigbee state park , Mississippi: 3.5 (no data connection, facilities are kinda old)

11. Great Smoky Mountain Campground:  4 (national park)

12. Wildness Cove campground, NC: 4 (good restroom and shower, pass code is 1776 and 1492)

13. Sweet Water Campground, SC: 3.8 (not much to say, it's clean, site on the grass)

14. Edisto Beach State Park, SC: 4.2 (on the beach, nice restroom and shower)

15. Cary State Forest, FL: 4 (very spacious site, mosquitos)

16. Sun Outdoor Resort, FL: 4.2 (very large resort, nice pools and facilities , dog wash )

17. Payne Prairie State Preserve, FL : 4 (got there late, it's different FL landscape)

18. Alabama coast campground, AB: 3.7 (average commercial RV park, good wifi, fully hookup, no flushing restroom though)

19. Davis Bayou Campground, MI : 4 (in the park, different landscape from FL beach)

20. Hollywood Casio RV park, MI: 4.2 (good facilities, campground is paved and very clean) 

21. Acadiana Park Campground, LA 3.5 (shower is old and hot water ran out in a few minutes)

22. Galveston Island State Park, TX 4 (close to beach, leveled site, nice restroom)

23. Carvernns Sonora RV Park, TX 3.7 (no data connection, very quiet)

24. Franklin Mountain State Park, NW 3 (dry camping, no facility)

25. Little Vineyard RV Park, AZ, 4 (swimming pool and hot tube, gravel ground, lost swimsuit)

26. Cactus Country RV Resort, AZ 3.8 (55+, swimming pool and hot tube, small though, more expensive than #25)

27.Tiffany RV Park, AZ, 3.7 (clean and restroom with shower, good for one night stay)

28. Sky Valley Resort, CA 4.5 (personal favorite, was there last xmas, nice hot sprint pools, just RV site has poky things)

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