

pray for Israel day 3.

(2024-08-08 08:07:38) 下一個
O Jerusalem thou that killers the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together ,even as a hen gatherers her chickens under her wings, and Ye would not.
Matthew 23:37

Father in Heaven , Father in Heaven
Your children is crying out loud for your protection.
Father in Heaven , Father in Heaven
All the weapons are shouting
All the media are exploding
All the babies are crying especially Isreal

Father in Heaven ,Father in Heaven
Please show your Almighty hand
Please let your children have your power, your strategies, your signs , your directions, your Holy name.

O Jerusalem O Jerusalem Come to Father’s holy wings , Come to Father’s arm.
O Jerusalem O Jerusalem, repent , repent, please repent for healings and blessings.

LORD, we repent for Isreal not listening Your Words.
We repent for Israel not obeying Your Instructions.
LORD, we repent for Israel not recognize Yeshua is their Messiah.
LORD, we pray for your protection over Isreal, your beloved child.

In Jesus name, I praise You, Amen!
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