5/20 今天要坐飛機去Seville 早上叫了出租車去ORY 機場,巴黎的機場人真多呀,過安檢至少花了一個小時 兩個小時的飛機中午就到了。坐出租車進Seville 很方便。我們住在城市中心 Hotel Rey Alfonso X 強烈推薦。
Seville 小城太可愛了,小巧精致,民風淳樸 ,下午就到處走走看看吃吃,
plaza de España. 西班牙廣場。
然後去看了flamenco show. 比起前麵三天在巴黎的強體力訓練,今天太放鬆了。
Metropol 陽傘或“塞維利亞蘑菇”
5/21。今天的重點是Real Alcazar of Seville 賽利維亞王宮。 Alcázar 來源於阿拉伯語,意為宮殿。 It was formerly the site of the Islamic-era citadel of the city, begun in the 10th century and then developed into a larger palace complex by the Abbadid dynasty and the Almohads
下午參觀啦 Cathedral de Sevilla, Seville Cathedral & La Giralda。 It is a Catholic cathedral and former mosque in Seville. It was completed in the early 16th century, so so old.
5/22. 今天戶外活動了。目標國王步道和 Ronda.
Caminito del Rey