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寶藏博客挖呀挖 回複 悄悄話 回複 '愛城華僑' 的評論 : 好在這邊似乎不當“領導”,也能過上舒服日子。
寶藏博客挖呀挖 回複 悄悄話 回複 'lostman' 的評論 : 厲害!與其焦慮,不如行動!
愛城華僑 回複 悄悄話 我也是幾乎0英語來到加拿大的(在國內,學的是日語),2000年移民,感覺來到了另一個星球,聽不懂、看不懂。從頭學英語,第一年,幾乎刀槍不入。又去college學了二年,英語還是不行,去車行打工三年,逮著機會又培訓專業英語一年,第8年開始 轉回 本行:土木工程。做了 10來年,現在退休了。因為英語的障礙,在加拿大隻能當個技術“兵',無法當”領導“。感覺來加拿大 有得有失;而且 沒有後悔藥吃的了,已經成了曆史。現在 盡量 享受 加拿大的好吧。
elfie 回複 悄悄話 My success in immigrating to the U.S is based on just the opposite of you.
I have excellent language skills. Thus I could immerse and adapt quickly into the local life and I don't have cultural barriers because I was an outlier in China.
I never fully adapted to the customs in China as a young adult. So when I came here there was no problem shedding the past influences.
I mean if I had moved to Russia I'd turn into a Russian as well because of my superb language skills. I could be discerned as a local person no different from the others in a couple of years. There are a lot of indigenous people from the Far East part of Russia. Some of them move to Moscow to work but all speak perfect Russian. I could speak some basic Russian and read well. It's just a matter of time that I could speak fluently. Just imagine if I have chosen a different path to emigrate to Russia or Ukraine! Life could be totally different but equally amazing.
Before I came to the U.S I already spoke perfect English, only lack of the colloquial part. I went to college, worked different jobs, married, divorced and joined the military. Then I married again, had multiple children and settled on American life for good. There's never any doubt that I would be part of this world, and not the other world 8000 miles away. I don't have a technology background, but I have a determination to emigrate and immigrate. I wanted to be free of Chinese people and Chinese life. I wanted to be free of my parents and relatives too. Their embrace is suffocating to me. I don't want to be the only child anymore. And I made it to the ends with little means.
lostman 回複 悄悄話 我也是0英語來到加拿大,20年每天花4小時以上閱讀,外加看視頻電影,把每一本書,小說,報紙都大聲讀完,每個單詞都查詞典,連廣告卜告都讀一遍,開始有些發音語調都不好,到後來水到渠成,