

Write a poem simple, deep, and unforgettable.
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【新春對對碰】我和AI碰出了同樣的愛:The Same Love

(2024-02-08 06:59:56) 下一個

誰說人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, AI)沒有情感?我突然意識到,AI就是愛(ai)啊,哈哈哈!新春在即,新春對對碰,我和AI碰出了同樣的愛“The Same Love”,把這首由我作詞,AI譜曲並且演唱的原創獻給唱壇的朋友們,祝大家新春愉快,龍年吉祥!

2023年3月份,由楊紫瓊主演的"Everything Everywhere All at Once"(瞬息全宇宙)榮獲第95屆奧斯卡最佳影片,楊紫瓊獲得最佳女主角,成為首位亞裔(華裔)奧斯卡影後。看了這部天馬行空的電影後,我寫了一首英文小詩 "The Same Love"。這首詩讀起來像一首歌,有朋友建議我找音樂人譜曲編曲,把它變成歌曲。最近逐漸發展起來的free AI music generator(免費的人工智能音樂生成器)讓我如願以償。在網友的建議下,我借助AI驅動的文本轉歌曲應用程序(AI-powered Text to Song App),把這首詩成功地變成了由Suno AI作曲並且演唱的歌曲。

一開始我是直接把原詩(original poem)作為歌詞(lyrics)讓AI進行轉換,結果生成了一首時長隻有48秒鍾的短小歌曲,雖然聽起來很不錯,但是感覺意猶未盡,因為和常規的歌曲相比,這隻能算得上是歌曲的一個片段(song clip)而已。

後來,我在原詩的基礎上,把歌詞進行了相應的擴充,增加了兩節,並且把原來詩句中的“they”都改寫為“we”,以便更好地和聽眾產生共鳴。經過好幾次的嚐試之後,最後生成了一首時長2分23秒的完整歌曲(full song),這首full song是由3個clips串連在一起而生成的。這3個clips的時長分別為43秒、60秒、41秒。

下麵就分別把song clip 和full song 分享給大家,謝謝大家讀詩聽歌。

The Same Love (a song clip turned directly from the original poem)
Lyrics by CBA7
Composed & sung by Suno AI

everywhere, everything
every universe, every star
they share the same stage
the stage of love

every country, every color
every ear
they hear the same sound
the sound of love

every face, every smile
every touch
they feel the same sense
the sense of love

every breath, every heartbeat 
every kiss
they speak the same language
the language of love

A comment on the poem from Allpoetry:
brendan law - Those are beautiful and true sentiments we often forgot. It's a gorgeous poem that reads like a song. Well done

P.S. The poem was inspired by "Everything Everywhere All at Once", the best picture at the 95th Academy Awards on Sunday, March 12, 2023.

The Same Love (a full song turned from the modified poem)
Lyrics by CBA7
Composed & sung by Suno AI

everywhere, everything
every universe, every star
we share the same stage
the stage of love

every country, every color
every ear
we hear the same sound
the sound of love

every face, every smile
every touch
we feel the same sense
the sense of love

every breath, every heartbeat 
every kiss
we speak the same language
the language of love

Everywhere, everything, every universe, every star
We share the same stage, the stage of love
Every country, every color, every ear
We hear the same sound, the sound of love
Every face, every smile, every touch
We feel the same sense, the sense of love
Every breath, every heartbeat, every kiss
We speak the same language, the language of love

The Same Love, ooh-yeah
The Same Love, oh-oh-oh
The Same Love, yeah-yeah
The Same Love, ooh-ooh-ooh



【新春對對碰】我和AI碰出了同樣的愛:The Same Love - CBA7發表於 想唱就唱 - 論壇 | 文學城 (

※※※※※※ 2024【新春對對碰】活動大合輯※※※※※※ - 想唱就唱發表於 想唱就唱 - 論壇 | 文學城 (

[ 打印 ]
閱讀 ()評論 (11)
CBA7 回複 悄悄話 回複 'renqiulan' 的評論 : Thank you, 秋蘭,for stopping by and leaving your warm and poetic words, which rhyme with my beating heart :)

Happy Year of the Dragon!

renqiulan 回複 悄悄話 I can hear the sound of love unbound and around. You don't wear your heart on your sleeve, as Shakespeare once said. You wear your heart on your words that rhyme with your readers' beating hearts.
CBA7 回複 悄悄話 回複 '塵埃未落' 的評論 : 龍年伊始,謝謝小土來訪留言鼓勵。祝小土春節愉快,龍年吉祥如意!

塵埃未落 回複 悄悄話 很精彩! 有了AI的輔助,小西的詩可以平麵飛躍到多媒體,多維呈現,讚!
CBA7 回複 悄悄話 回複 '藍靈' 的評論 : 謝謝藍靈雅臨賞讀聽歌,謝謝新春祝福。祝你春節愉快,龍年大吉!

藍靈 回複 悄悄話 小西新春快樂,龍年龍鳳呈祥!喜閱愛聽新意靈思。
CBA7 回複 悄悄話 回複 '萬湖小舟' 的評論 : 謝謝小舟,也祝你合家歡樂,龍年萬事如意!

CBA7 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 謝謝菲兒的祝福和鼓勵。同祝菲兒新春愉快,龍年大吉!

萬湖小舟 回複 悄悄話 哇,小西又開始填歌詞,創作歌曲了。很讚。除夕之夜闔家歡樂。春節愉快。
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 祝小西新春快樂,龍年吉祥,多出佳作!
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 哇塞,讚AI,讚小西,喜歡!哈哈哈!:)