天堂是確實存在的。作者Don Piper是最有資格給出此結論的人之一。他是浸信會牧師,1989年在去教會路上遭遇車禍處於死亡狀態,到場的另個牧師感到強烈的衝動要為他的屍體祈禱,以身阻救護車離開的決絕獲得警察許可進到Piper被壓塌的車為他禱告,唱到'What a friend we have in Jesus‘時已經死亡90分鍾的Piper開始回應和他一起唱。 13個月,34場手術後Piper牧師今天如常走路,並將90分鍾在天堂的經曆寫成書《在天堂的90分鍾》,為紐約時報暢銷書。他的采訪也可見於:NBC's Today Show, Dateline NBC, ABC's Nightline, FOX Network's Sean Hannity's America, and The O'Reilly Factor.
2 Heaven Bound? /天堂綁定?John 13:1
3 Preparation Starts with Action/準備始於行動 John 13:4-5
4 Clean Up Your Act/潔淨你的行為 John 13:6-8b
5 Love Gives Another Chance/愛給予額外機會 John 13:21, 26-28
6 Love Each Other/彼此相愛 John 13:34-35
7 Follow Jesus/跟隨耶穌 John 13:36-37
8 Trust God, Trust Me/信父,信子 John 14:1-3
9 Trust Jesus' Promise/信耶穌的應許 John 14:2-3
10 Believe-Even If You Don't Understand/相信,即使你還不懂 John 14:4-7
11 Act as a Representative of God/行為是神的表現 John 14:12-14
12 Live in Complete Obedience/活出順從 John 14:15-17
13 Remember: Jesus Is with You/記住:耶穌永遠與你同在 John 14:18
14 Let the Holy Spirit Guide You John/讓聖靈帶導你 14:27
15 Head for the Final Destination/朝向終點 John 14:28-29
16 Stay Connected and Be Fruitful/保持連結多結果實 John 15:1-2
17 Hang In There/堅持 John 15:4
18 Use Your Gifts Faithfully/忠實地使用你的恩賜 John 15:4-5, 7
19 Love Others as Jesus Loves You/愛他人因耶穌愛了你 John 15:12-15, 17
20 Remember You Are Chosen/牢記你被揀選 John 15:15
21 Choose the Hard Road/選難行的路 John 15:18-21
22 Learn from the Holy Spirit/從聖靈學習 John 16:12-15
23 Prepare for the Joy Ahead/預備將來的喜樂 John 16:16-21
24 Remain Teachable/保持受教 John 16:25-30
25 Know the True God John/認識真神 John 17:1-5
26 Know God's Name/知道神之名 John 17:6
27 Honor God in Everything You Do/所做所為榮耀神 John 17:18
28 Be One with Others/與眾人合一 John 17:6, 17, 20-21
書中印象最深刻的兩個事例: 一是Piper去北歐一處教堂講道,本堂老牧師道歉恐會眾了了,結果卻人群擠爆。晚餐時老牧師埋頭哭泣,原來教堂由於人少一直處於被賣壓力,老牧師求神讓他離世前能再見到一次會眾滿堂的情景,“今晚,神回應了我的禱告”。二是某次Piper見一少年路邊等車便提出載他一程,少年婉拒說等父親來接,Piper怕那父親耽擱,但少年執意,說不會,“他一定會來,因為他是我的父親!” Because HE is my father! 那正是我們等待時的信心所在啊!