
【一句話翻譯】Memorial Day

(2022-05-26 22:18:01) 下一個

Memorial Day is around the corner. Let's do some one-sentence translation and learn an English idiom that are related to soldiers and wars. Have a safe and peaceful Memorial weekend. 

1. 漢譯英 (直譯或意譯都可以)

“視卒如嬰兒,故可與之赴深溪;視卒如愛子,故可與之俱死。” 選自《孫子兵法》

2. 英譯漢

Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.

3. Idiom: On the warpath

Explain the definition of the idiom in Chinese or English, and make a sentence with it.

Example: I would avoid our boss if I were you-he's been on the warpath since he found out we lost our biggest account. 

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