


(2023-01-06 07:35:42) 下一個

2023新年的第一天,睡到自然醒,睜眼已是早上八點多, 感覺有點累,昨天把門前路上的雪鏟出了1/5,社區的小鏟雪車正好經過我們的麵前,幾分鍾之後就清幹淨了剩餘的積雪。
















在這個熱鬧的一周裏,新的議長選舉已經進行了八次、但依然沒有結果,還將繼續直到有結果為止,這是美國百年裏沒有過的,不過曆史上曾經也有過難產的時候。 我們一直都在經曆一些從未經曆過的事情,它們讓我們不斷地學習了解一個社會的發展過程,時常出現的異常瞬間。


學會接受每一次的相遇,無論它是怎樣的體驗。 就像2022年所有的遇見,都不是任何人可以事先設計規劃好的 ,它們都是那個瞬間的時空裏的存在,恰好讓我們在那個時刻相遇。 


2023年的這一周裏,磊把2022年記錄下來的許多這樣的時刻,製成了短的視頻。 每一個這樣的瞬間,都會有許多的故事,會讓我們想起,讓我們不斷回味,讓我們想要再次走出去尋找這樣的感覺。


二月在休斯頓市區的河邊,看夕陽餘暉照在林立的高樓上的時候,就在想曾經在波士頓的Charles 河邊看過金色餘暉下的精彩瞬間,是否還會在這裏發生。 當然並沒有出現那樣的奇跡,卻還是有許多人,在二月的時候在這裏等待,我們隻是一次匆匆的過客而已。




五月的黑山鬆林,春天在這裏的遇見,總是會讓我們非常的意外。 藍天使的飛行表演,在天空中畫出一個大大的愛心,讓這個瞬間留在了相機中。 黑山的自然資源是太豐富了,鬆林裏孕育了許多我們想要的東西。


夏日裏在落基山裏的偶遇,在與它們相視而過的時候,就自然而然地愛上了它們。 當然也學會了要尊重彼此,不必跨越各自的世界,欣賞而又不幹擾彼此之間的寧靜。




二十年後的這個夏天,再一次來加州的舊金山,體驗一下夏日裏的寒風瑟瑟,看看曾經帶老爸老媽走過的地方。 隻是這一次不必太匆匆。


Acadia 國家公園的秋天,豔麗動人。會讓人想到《飄》裏的郝思嘉,藍寶石的眼神,撫媚,華麗,誰能抵擋得住她的魅力?


這世界有許多值得去愛的東西,隻是我們不知道它們將在哪裏,在何時才能遇見。 當我們遇到的時候,希望我們不曾錯過,很高興和它們一起度過的那些時光。


2023 讓人期待的一年,它的第一周已經非常不尋常了。



On the first day of the new year in 2023, I slept until I woke up naturally, and it was already past eight in the morning when I opened my eyes. I felt a little tired. I shoveled out 1/5 of the snow on the road in front of the door yesterday. The snow-removing car passed right in front of us and the remaining snow was cleared in a few minutes.


Breakfast was eaten at almost 10 o'clock, and the lazy life is very comfortable. Among the birthday gifts this year, there is a small object that massages the eyes with a charge. It soothes and presses around the eyes and temples, and makes me feel very comfortable.


The first day of the new year is spent casually.


On the second day of the new year, the snowstorm last night turned into a vast expanse of whiteness and mist, as if the snow was still continuing.


On the new year eve of 2022, Shiping gave us his handed made wonton skin. In this snowy day, I made two kinds of coriander meat filling and shrimp meat filling. The thin-skinned and resilient wonton stew keeps the heat of the New Year going, leaving the aroma in the mouth.


Sharing makes life more enjoyable. Although 2023 has just begun, the new year is still going on. . .


Then my life went back to before, I entered the working state, and my heart slowly began to withdraw.


The first week of 2023 is finally ushered in. In the cold winter, it goes very fast.


In this lively week, the election of a new speaker has been carried out eight times, but there is still no result, and it will continue until there is a result. This is unprecedented in the United States in a century, but there have been difficult times in history. We have been experiencing things we have never experienced before, and these let us continue to learn about the development process of a society, and the abnormal moments that often appear.


Learn to accept every encounter, no matter how it is experienced. Just like all the encounters in 2022, none of them can be designed and planned in advance by anyone. They all exist in the time and space of that moment, which happens to allow us to meet at that moment.


When I was on the riverside in downtown Houston in February, watching the afterglow of the setting sun shine on the tall buildings, I wondered whether the wonderful moment under the golden afterglow that I had seen on the Charles River in Boston would still happen here. Of course, there was no such miracle, but there were still many people waiting here in February, and we were just passing by in a hurry.


In the Rocky Mountains in March and April, the snow blanket is thick and thick, which is the most popular time for skiers in these years. During the day, it is often sunny, and at night, it can dance with snowflakes to its heart's content, and each has its own place.


The Black Hills pine forest in May and the encounter here in spring always surprise us. The flying performance of the Blue Angels, drawing a big love heart in the sky, made this moment stay in the camera. The natural resources of Black Hills are too rich, and many things we want are bred in the pine forest.


When I met them in the Rocky Mountains in summer, I fell in love with them naturally when I passed by them. Of course, I also learned to respect each other, without having to cross their respective worlds, to appreciate without disturbing the tranquility between each other.


In Joshua Tree National Park at about 104 degrees Fahrenheit, the most suitable time is to wait to see the unique style in the afterglow of the sunset. When the breeze blows across the cheeks, there will be no heat like in the daytime.


Twenty years later, this summer, I came to San Francisco, California again to experience the cold wind in summer and see the places where I took my parents. Only this time there is no need to rush.


Autumn in Acadia National Park is gorgeous and moving. It will make people think of Scarlett , Scarlett in "Gone with the Wind", sapphire eyes, charming, gorgeous, who can resist her charm?


There are many things worth loving in this world, but we don't know where and when we will meet them. When we meet, I hope we don't miss it, it's a pleasure to spend those moments with them.


2023 will be wonderful Year for everyone. Its first week has been pretty extraordinary.


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