2022 精英中學 8-11 年級 11所學校考HAST
申請2022年精英中學8-11年級學位的學生, 21/06/2021至 16/07/ 2021報名。 (2021年已結束,有興趣的家長留著以後用)
現在英才班共 1740 位, 7年級精英中學4226學位,中學後可以再申請更好學校。
2021 HAST 增加三所,悉尼17所全精英中學有11所學校參加HAST, ( Higher Ability Selection Test)
Baulkham Hills High School *
Caringbah High School
Girraween High School
Gosford High School
Fort Street High School (Year 11 Only)
Hornsby Girls High School
Hurlstone Agricultural High School *
North Sydney Girls High School
Manly Selective Campus
Penrith Selective High School *
St George Girls High School
- 若家長有興趣申請上述11所精英中學, 學生要參加由ACER出題,判卷的統一考試,時間安排在2021年8月7日。James Ruse Agricultural High School參加EDU-Test ( 時間是2021年7月24日上午9:00-12:00 ). North Sydney Boys High School是自己出題,考試日期2021年7月27日。Sydney Boys High School是先選再考,2021年7月29日下午4:30-5:30. Sydney Girls High School是不用考也不收申請費。 Normanhurst Boys High School 考試 25 July 2021.
- Sydney Technical High School考試 10 August 2021
11年級是第二次挑選,大浪淘沙, 如果您的孩子在學校英文,數學,科學是前幾名,都能拿到Outstanding, 競賽能拿到High Distinction或更好,校長都在等著您。孩子要是想去考考,英文要求經常像這樣:English test: extended response based on stimulus materials.可以做些閱讀,寫作準備,做School Certificate試卷;數學呢:Mathematics test: numeracy including content at Year 10 Advanced Mathematics syllabus level 複習隻要Advanced Mathematics Years9-10,Cambridge Year 11, 3 Unit 部分和2003-2020 Australian Mathematics Competition papers.
- 其他學校,其他年級,有的要考試,有的要麵試,若您對哪所學校有興趣,可以直接聯絡,相應準備。像Fort Street High School 申請2022年8-10年級不考試,要求手寫600字文章,題目像:
- Year 8 – 10 2022 Essay Topic (if you are in Year 7,8 or 9 in 2021)
- “Something good can come out of a crisis. A crisis can bring about a real change and help us reevaluate our humanity”. (Discuss)
- 申請11年級是要考試 , 也要手寫文章(750字):
- Year 11 2021 - Essay Topic: (If you are in Year 10 2021)
- “When written in Chinese, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters – one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.” John F. Kennedy. (Discuss)
參加由 acer 出題的統一考試(Higher Ability Selection Test),考試包括(1). Reading comprehension 45分鍾的閱讀理解,40道選擇題, (2). Mathematical reasoning 40分鍾數學或數學和科學,應該是7年級(Junior Secondary – 28 items)考28道數學選擇題,8,9,10年級(Middle and Senior Secondary – 30 items) 考30道數學和科學選擇題,(3). Abstract Reasoning 30分鍾抽象推理,30道選擇題,(4). Written Expression 25分鍾寫作,Discussion or creative topic,共四部分。
- 若現在讀10年級,想考11年級,準備可參考如下書目:
- 1英文, School Certificate English, Success in Year 10 English, ICAS English Paper G &H, I &J
- 2數學,Advanced Mathematics Years 9-10, Maths Practice & Tests 9 & 10, ICAS Maths Papers Paper G &H, I &J, AMT papers intermediate division.
- 3 科學 Science Years 9-10, ICAS Science Papers G,H, I &J, Chemistry Quiz Year 9-10
- 4 Non-verbal reasoning series 1, series 2, series 3 ,series 4
Paul 張老師
0425230152(微信 )