

(2023-02-23 02:25:36) 下一個

前幾天問了ChatGPT一個問題:  In the biological medicine development, what is the successful rate during clinical trial phase I, phase II and phase III.


The success rates of drugs in clinical trials vary depending on many factors, including the type of disease being targeted, the mechanism of action of the drug, and the stage of development. Here are some rough estimates of the average success rates for drugs at each stage of clinical development:

  • Phase I: The primary goal of Phase I clinical trials is to determine the safety and tolerability of a new drug. Success rates in Phase I are generally low, as many drugs are found to have toxic effects or unacceptable side effects during this stage. On average, only about 70% of drugs that enter Phase I trials proceed to Phase II.

  • Phase II: The primary goal of Phase II clinical trials is to evaluate the efficacy and side effects of a drug in a small group of patients with the target disease. Success rates in Phase II are higher than in Phase I, but still relatively low. On average, only about 33% of drugs that enter Phase II trials proceed to Phase III.

  • Phase III: The primary goal of Phase III clinical trials is to further evaluate the efficacy and safety of a drug in a large patient population. The results of Phase III trials are often used to determine whether a drug should be approved for marketing by regulatory agencies such as the FDA. Success rates in Phase III are higher than in the previous phases, but still relatively low. On average, only about 25-30% of drugs that enter Phase III trials are ultimately approved for marketing.

It is important to note that these are rough estimates and the actual success rates can vary widely depending on the specific circumstances of each drug and trial. Additionally, success rates can be influenced by factors such as the quality of the trial design, the size of the patient population, and the patient population's demographic characteristics.




- 工作環境: 製藥生產線都有嚴格的清潔要求,近生產區要穿特別的連體工作服,戴發套、護目鏡、手套。男士不刮胡子的話要戴胡子套,女士不能化妝、塗指甲油。這身裝扮一穿就幾個小時。至於平時在辦公室可以在網上瀏覽、打個私人電話、喝個咖啡吃點零食的情況就更不能了。

- 工作程序: 生產的時候要嚴格按照生產流程說明做,基本沒有任何動腦子的地方。但是有需要特別認真,上麵說了,生產的時候要記錄很多數據,由於特別繁瑣,很容易讓人犯錯。所以不用動腦子又得特別專注,其實挺不容易的。還有就是生產流程說明說得細的地方極其的細致,但是也很很多地方說得特別含混不清,在特別生產區其他人不能隨便進入的時候,或是求助其他部門,又都是博士博士後說得天馬行空的時候, 生產員是很無助的。

- 三班倒: 不是所有製藥廠或生產線都是三班倒,但即使不是,工作時間也都會比較特殊而且很不靈活。早班的6點就開始了一直到下午,晚班的下午開始9點多才能走,夜班的得熬夜了。

所以很多經過技術工訓練的人 不會願意去做這樣的工作,不過工資應該是不低的。



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