“請關滅這一偉大發明:incandescent 燈泡和其他老式燈。大道理不用講了。但在我們生活中有一些很容易做的事情,可以對節能環保做貢獻而且:為自己省錢。為什麽不做呢?!這裏指的是傳統的 incandescent 燈泡:這種燈泡每一個都是一個小電爐,亮光僅是他們的付產品。愛迪生的偉大發明卻成了浪費電能的一個罪盔。還有其他的老式燈,如 fluorescent T12, T8 和 MH 。。。”, 見:
節能,環保,省錢【2】:請關滅這一偉大發明 - 博客 | 文學城 (wenxuecity.com)
"You can't buy incandescent light bulbs anymore...the bulbs – patented by Thomas Edison in 1880 and a common fixture in American homes for more than a century – have officially passed into history. Since Aug. 1, commonly used incandescents can't be manufactured or sold, "。 見:
Incandescent light bulb ban: Reasons why you can't buy them anymore (usatoday.com)