
美國:民主基礎上的美和醜 tougher and meaner

(2020-09-16 11:49:38) 下一個

川普的話被Woodward或媒體斷章取義, 他難道不是說:我是特別能對付那些難對付的人的!從他的外交成果來看,真是這麽回事。他是來解決美國多少年的疑難雜症的!forbes進一步報道說川普指出那些難對付的人比拜登厲害,我完全同意。“不入虎穴,焉得虎子” 。不換位思考,怎麽能真正為美國爭利益,怎麽能幫助失足領袖!

"I get along very well with Erdogan, even though you're not supposed to because everyone says, 'What a horrible guy,'" Trump told Woodward in one of 17 interviews for the journalist's new book, "Rage."

"But for me it works out good. It's funny, the relationships I have — the tougher and meaner they are, the better I get along with them. You know? Explain that to me someday, OK?" Trump said, adding: "The easy ones are the ones I maybe don't like as much or don't get along with so much."

文學城新聞:特朗普錄音流出:領導人愈強悍卑鄙 我相處得愈好  https://www.wenxuecity.com/news/2020/09/16/9870115.html 


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