A New Beginning
Have you ever sailed the winds and waves,
Glided into the stillness of dawn,
Greeted the sunrise bursting forth?
Have you ever wandered through the desert,
Watched the setting sun slide down the dunes,
Heard the sands of time drift into the past?
Have you ever journeyed through hills and streams,
Grateful for the encounters of the soul,
Accompanying a lifetime in the dust?
Have you ever brewed tea and read at night,
Experienced the quivering of the heart and mind,
In this very poem and text?
Memories may not always linger,
But there is still a new beginning ahead,
Scenes yet to be seen,
Things yet to be done,
People yet to be met,
Words yet to be read.
Tomorrow's journey,
The start of the next chapter,
Is all that you eagerly anticipate,
A fresh and new first time.