#LearningEnglishIdioms#英語諺語#chengyu|When life gives you lemons, make lemonade#隨遇而安 成語 chengyu English Idioms|英語諺語|When life gives you lemons, make lemonade|隨遇而安 隨遇而安 苦中作樂 Hi everyone, this is Lucy! 大家好 我是露西! Today we are going to talk about an English Idiom, which is 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” 的字麵意思是 “當生活給了你酸溜溜的檸檬時,就把它做成酸甜的檸檬汁吧”,它是一個英語諺語,用 “lemons(檸檬)” 比喻生活中的困難處境,而用 “make lemondate(做檸檬汁)” 來比喻將困難努力轉變成機遇的態度。這個諺語的寓意是 “在不利的狀況下盡力而為”,意思相當於我們漢語裏的 “隨遇而安,苦中作樂”。 Examples: I couldn’t get a job after university, so I started my own business. When life gave me lemons, I made lemonade. 我大學畢業後找不到工作,所以就開始自己創業。當我在生活中遇到困難時,選擇了自力更生。 I was struggling to afford my rent when I was studying at university. So, I started tutoring the Chinese language,。When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! 我上大學時,為了房租發愁,所以我開始通過輔導中文來賺錢。人生就是要隨遇而安,苦中作樂! Engish Idioms in Chinese, This is all for today!thanks for watching!see you next time! bye-bye! 如果你覺得我的視頻對你有幫助的話,歡迎點讚訂閱,並且分享給你的小夥伴們!