Lucy Maynard


How to translate 《乘風破浪的姐姐》in English?一切過往 皆是序章 直掛雲帆 乘風破浪|三十而驪,青春

(2020-08-23 10:00:02) 下一個



Hi everyone,this is Lucy! 大家好,我是露西! 前一段呢,我們聊了三十而已 二十不惑,今天我們來聊聊《乘風破浪的姐姐》的翻譯。

其實我第一次知道姐姐這個節目的名字是兩個月前微信上的一期雙語節目,但是那時候,我並沒有興趣去看它或聊它,就在前兩天,我先我是講成語的,乘風破浪 是一個很不錯的成語,所以我就關注了 ! 其實 在六月份,這期關於女性獨立的節目就????了 當時 我有看它的介紹 但是沒有計劃去聊它,後來,我逐漸意識到我的頻道是講成語的嗎,講成語是我的節目的一大塊,所以就準備了乘風破浪的成語,但是我發現放到一起講呢,節目有點過長,所以就決定分成兩期節目。

官方翻譯: sisters who make waves Sisters Who Make Waves (Chinese:

乘風破浪的姐姐; pinyin: Chéngfēngpòlàng de jiějiě) is a 2020 Chinese reality television show that premiered on Mango TV June 12。 It features 30 female celebrities over 30 years old who must compete to debut in a 5-member girl group. Touting the catchphrase "Thirty dark horses, return to youth" Sisters Who Makes Waves follows the general formula idol group reality shows like Produce 101 and Idol Producer, but with the twist that participants are already well-known celebrities and have an average age of 35+. The contestants are to live with each other for 3 months while partaking in intense training. Huang Xiaoming is the official presenter of the final group. Additional cast members include Du Hua as female group manager, Huo Wenxi as a general counsellor, Zhao Zhao as music


一切過往,皆是序章, 直掛雲帆,乘風破浪。 節目提出的價值觀。這句話可謂中西結合,很巧妙精彩的結合,前兩句是莎士比亞喜劇《暴風雨》裏的名句,後兩句是李白的《行路難》。

“一切過往,皆是序章”的原文是: What's past is prologue. 這句話的意思是:凡是過去的,無論如何,不管好壞,不要再沉迷,要坦然地迎接未來。 李白《行路難》的原句是: 行路難,行路難。 多歧路,今安在? 長風破浪會有時, 直掛雲帆濟滄海。

許淵衝的翻譯: Hard is the way, hard is the way. Don't go astray! Whither today. A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves, I'll set my cloud-like sail to cross the sea which raves. 這兩句詩的意思是說,雖然前方困難重重,但是早晚有一天我會乘風破浪,到達理想中的彼岸!

“三十而驪、青春歸位”是節目的宣傳口號,。 “三十而立”是孔子提出的,指一個人到了三十歲時,要有所成就。 而“三十而驪”顯然為女性訂製的,“驪”和“立”諧音,原義指“黑色的馬”,這裏比喻30+的女性仍然可以像駿馬一樣奔騰向前。 (自由譯): Life begins at thirty. Youth is never costly. 讓我們用薩繆爾·烏爾曼的經典散文《Youth》 Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind. 青春不是一段年華,而是一種心境 Iwhat do you think?



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