Lucy Maynard


【Chinese idioms with English translation】漢語成語|大有可為|大有作為的區別

(2020-08-13 04:35:31) 下一個

Hi everyone, this is Lucy! 大家好,我是露西! 今天我們要聊的成語是大有可為和大有作為,別看它們隻有一字之差,它們的意思可不一樣喲! 那好,就讓我們先來看大有可為的意思:讀拚音是da you ke wei,比喻指前途極有希望,值得去做。 它出自清·李寶嘉文明小史,在清·李寶嘉《文明小史》中是這樣說的:“地方雖一千餘裏,仙民成俗,大有可為。“

好我們來看大有可為的英文翻譯: 大here means greatly, very much.'可means 'can.' and 為 means 'do.' A literal translation of the whole idiom is 'greatly have things one can do.' Freer translations of the idiom include'very promising, have bright prospects, have great potential.' Example1:未來幾十年中,新能源行業大有可為。 Wèilái jǐ shí nián zhōng, xīn néngyuán hángyè dàyǒukěwéi. ‘In the next few decades, businesses dealing with new sources of energy will have bright prospects.' Example2:政府鼓勵青年到中西部去找工作,說中西部開發大有可為。 Zhèngfǔ gǔlì qīngnián dào zhōng xībù qù zhǎo gōngzuò, shuō zhōng xībù kāifā dàyǒukěwéi. The government encourages young people to go to the Midwest to look for work, saying that the development of the Midwest has great potential.'

Near synonyms [前途無量】Qiántú wúliàng ‘future without limit'-have boundless prospects,' 【前程似錦】Qiánchéng sì jǐn ‘road ahead resembles brocade=have splendid prospects.' Antonym [不可救藥】'cannot be saved with a medicine-incurable, hopeless situation.' 大有作為 漢語成語,拚音是dà yǒu zuò wéi,意思是能夠充分發揮才能,做出很大成績,出自《孟子·公孫醜下》。作為:可做的事,做出的成績。 出自:先秦·孟軻《孟子·公孫醜下》:“故將大有為之君,必有所不召之臣,欲有謀焉則主不之。朱熹集注:“大有為之君,大有作為,非常之君也。

好我們來看大有作為的英文翻譯: 大here means greatly, very much.' and 作為 means 'achievements, contributions.' A literal translation of the whole idiom is ‘greatly have contributions.' Freer translations of the idiom include ’able to develop one's ability to the fullest, have great prospects. have great potential.' Example1:在畢業典禮上,校長祝所有的畢業生在社會上大有作為。 Zài bìyè diǎnlǐ shàng, xiàozhǎng zhù suǒyǒu de bìyè shēng zài shèhuì shàng dàyǒuzuòwéi. ‘At the graduation ceremony, the president wished all the graduates that in society they might have great contributions.' Example2:這兩家公司強強聯手,是可以大有作為的。 Zhè liǎng jiā gōngsī qiáng qiáng liánshǒu, shì kěyǐ dàyǒuzuòwéi de. 'If these two major companies join forces, they could have great prospects.'

近義詞Near Synonyms 和反義詞 Antonyms: Near Synonyms大顯身手 'display one's skills to the fullest.' 大展宏圖' fulfil one's great aspirations.' 反義詞 Antonyms 無所作為 ‘do or accomplish nothing.' 碌碌無為 'ordinary and devoid of ability.' 一事無成 'accomplish nothing.' 庸庸碌碌 'mediocre and ordinary.' ”

大有可為”和“大有作為”相同點和不同點 “大有可為”和“大有作為”都是鼓勵人們去做某件事的意思,但著重點不同。 “大有可為” 側重 在指出某件事情或領域有發展前途。大有可為不能指人。 而“大有作為”側重在指人。在指出做某件事情或領域可以發揮和增長才幹,作出很大成績。 “大有作為“:做出成績。能夠極大地發揮作用,作一番貢獻。

本來不打算舉例子了,因為時間的關係,今天講了兩個成語,但是為了能夠使更好地理解這兩個成語的區別,同時能夠幫助大家在今後的生活和學習中能夠正確使用這兩個成語,就再舉兩個簡單的例子: Example1:廣闊天地, 大有作為。 Guǎngkuò tiāndì, dàyǒuzuòwéi. The vast world has a lot to do. Example2:自媒體行業大有可為! Zì méitǐ chǎnyè dàyǒukěwéi! The self-media industry is promising!

希望您在大有可為的YouTube裏大有作為! Xīwàng nín zài dàyǒukěwéi de YouTube lǐ dàyǒuzuòwéi! Hope you can do a lot /do well in the promising YouTube! 感謝收聽收看,我們下次再見!

成語接龍遊戲:大有可(作)為 → 為民除患 希望大家踴躍參與 比賽誰接的長 您的頻道將會在我的下個視頻中得到推薦 祝您好運!Good Luck!


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