我是mountain person。每次出遊必須有山,必須爬山,不管多高多矮。在Castellane被小鎮吸引,我忙於走遍小鎮每一個角落,卻不知可以爬到山頂的chapel,遺憾錯過了,給了下次再去的理由。
在Moustiers Sainte-Marie吸取了教訓,先爬山,爬到了山頂的church,不高,但石頭地非常滑,需小心翼翼。
在Verdon Gorge為了節約時間,我從山上跑到山腳溪邊,又跑回了山上。九十幾度的高溫,全身濕了個透,但非常開心,不虛此行
這個小鎮是Nice bus可以到gorges du Verdon的最後一個小鎮,距離Verdon還有一段距離。在小鎮裏,無論從哪一個角度都可以看看高高在上的Chapel Norte Dorm du Roc。
2)Gorges du Verdon
3)Moustiers Sainte-Marie,是法國最美的小村之一
A village nestled under a rocky cliff and surrounded by mountains from all sides, and known for its rich history in ceramic craftsmanship.
“Since 1981 Moustiers Sainte-Marie has been listed as one of the most beautiful village of France. The church, the old village walls, the chapels, the aqueduct, the fountains represent an alliance of water and stone. The pastel colours of the tiles and the lime stones create a living architectural whole.”
4)Lavender Field
5)St. Croix:an artificial lake