他大我2歲, 認識我之後就一直把我當成小妹妹一樣來照顧
認識他後,我再沒自己拿過一次紙巾,倒過一次水, 因為他會為我做
我生他的氣, 掛他的電話,他會馬上打回來。。如果我不接,他會去找我最好的朋友, 讓她和我講
我打一下噴嚏, 他會二話不說, 把暖氣拿到我的房間
出去玩的時候, 爬山,會拉著我的手,隻有一瓶水, 一定要我喝過了他才喝
出去玩,喝酒的時候, 他會趁我不注意的時候偷偷親我一下, 但平時都不敢碰我一下
我對他說, 你還蠻可愛的嗎, 他興奮得馬上告訴他最好的朋友, 他的朋友煩到讓我不要再說他可愛了
我和朋友出去玩, 喝多了酒, 叫他來接我回家, 他會馬上從床上爬起來, 準時趕到。。。。。而我, 卻吐了他一車。。
記得他用了40分鍾才說出他喜歡我。。。從他一開始說話, 到說出喜歡我, 我的朋友已經上了一次廁所,吃了東西, 燒了水, 放涼了,並到在杯子裏端給我, 他還在電話裏吞吞吐吐。。。
我生日時,他買的蛋糕, 幫我切的蛋糕
他過生日時, 看到我為他畫的畫像,會說那是最特別的禮物
但他看著我的眼睛,問我喜不喜歡他時, 我卻說不喜歡
我知道他對我很好, 但是我寧願裝傻說不知道
因為我知道,在他的家鄉有一個和他在一起6年的女朋友。 她還在等他
雖然我最喜歡的歌是勇氣, 可是自己卻沒有勇氣去搶別人的東西
我隻有放手, 有多難過, 隻有自己知道
我對他發脾氣, 是因為我的無奈
The world is a small place, so small that we cant even escape from it
The things that have happened in the past few month is making me cry and laugh at the same time, while to my mum who has been never so interested in my personal life, its like a TV soap series, and she said she liked watching my life, cos its interesting
How can I blame her, I was so caught up in my own little world lately cos so much was going on that I couldn*t even think properly
From the start, it seemed like innocent friendship, the four of us, hanging out together all the time. 小黑,小白,香蕉妹,香菇妹, But things change..god how things can change so quickly within such a short period of time, but still wish things were like what they were like at the start, how could we have know better?? We are only young and yet not wise enough
Me and banana gal was summing up the coincidences we had this year.firstly after saying something she was sure that couldn't happen in her life, her mum calls her the next minute to prove her otherwise, leaving us both in speechless shock. Then driving in country side, I told her to go slower, but she said there's no one in sight, then next minute a cop pops out of no where. for her, everything is happening the opposite to what she said
But for me, as the fortune teller told me earlier, this is the year that I get everything I wanted.....so far, I have to say she is rite, I got into the hospital I want to do my traineeship, I got my holiday in china, and most of my wishes came true the day after I said it (of cos the reasonable ones). And the most freaky thing is, I really really wanted to see a person, but didn't have the guts cos it would just complicate things up, and u know what, he calls me and ask if I was free..more shocked than glad I have to say.....makes me think maybe there is something beyond what human understands, something like god, that's constantly playing with our lives.. that's how I feel now, cos my life seems more like a joke
Ok, more coincidences, 2 gals who were best friends liked the 2 guys who liked me and my best friend. And this guy who liked me and another one who liked my best friend went out with the same gal (these 2 were her only bfs), and although we don't know this gal, but me and banana gal feel like we have known her for ages....i find all these pretty amusing, cos again it proves what kind of small world we live in#..we just cant get away from the circle we hang around in
i guess everything started when me and bannana gal decide to make the most out of our last uni year
we want to experience outside our normal lives. even though other may think we look like we all out all the time, but we actually prefer quiet lives, and it was only after the final exam that we decide to live up to our images
from clubbing to ktv, drinking, dancing, and letting go of all our problems....yes we can live a life like that, contrary to what i have always thought.........and it was acutally easy, much easier compared to studying and working hard....u dont even need to think....and cant believe we will even go sing k and clubbing during the exams period, considering that we do pharmacy, which is not an easy course
sharon said i am one of a kind, she said that i am totally different to the people i hang around with, i am too old fashioned, have too many moral principles, and yet, i will not do what people like me are doing eg. staying home and study and be a perfect gal that all parents like.
to my old friends i have become superficial....from the old dayang who never dressed up or wear make up, to the now dress-to-impress dayang...i dont really understand, is this superficiality? just because i want to look good, and looking good brightens up my day? and most importantly, its because we live in a superficial world. people treat u differently if u look good. i realise that, and its a fact of life
but when i start to think now, all these didnt make me much differnt from who i was.........we began a journey to find out more about ourselves, but instead me and banana gal is more lost than ever.
but along the way, i have changed, both inside and outside...i have lost my 'little gal' appeal. at my parents 50th birthday, an old family friend said, omg, dayang is sooo mature these days, like an adult. i think my looks are reflecting what i feel from inside. the things i have seen and experienced, although not much, but they did open up my eyes. i have never been so expose to the raw uglisness of selfish human nature, i have never been so disappointed in people. but i have learnt, i know there are ppl out there who will just use u and pretend to be ur friend
the key chain i gave 小白 is still on his mobile, and the portrait i drew for him is still in his closet (dont ask me why he puts it there, maybe he doesnt like staring at his own face, who knows), maybe when he sees them he will still remeber me, although i will not see him anymore and we will become strangers in the future......hahaha and i still got his jumper, the one i threw upon when i got drunk, i washed it for him but he didnt want it back cos he thinks its disgusting....so i guess thats all we've got left of each other
we never understood each other...frankly, he cant see anything else besides his cars, and i know nothing about cars...and when i gave him the portrait, he asked me, where did u get this done....what can i say. I bet he would tell u that my hobbies are eating and sleeping.........to him, i am a little gal, too cute and not mature enough not acting my age, eat and sleep too much. when i painted my nails green, he thinks i am weird. he always say 我被你徹底打敗了, cos he thinks i am too crazy and to him crazy=immature... Unlike rich, he doesnt know my fav authors, doesnt know my fav movies, and i bet he probably never heard of them in his entire life. like i had to explain to him what a grand piano is, he finally got it and said 'oh its the big piano, and u can stick the lid up. but i rather its a ferrari" and it will be our typical conversation........ shallow? certainly。。 but i guess u overlook things when ur not in the rite mental state or when ur IQ equals zero like i was.
he and 小黑 never understood me and banana gals jokes, we would laugh, and they will think we are going crazy and say 我們被你們徹底打敗了。。。
i am questioning myself here already....can we really not see each other anymore? when i told him that i dont want to see him no more, he didnt take it seriously, like he was sure that we will still see each other........sharon said i am too soft and always eat my own words, maybe shes rite about that
cos we did see each other after my 'talk' with him....silly me
楊丞琳的曖昧, 唱出了我和你之間的關係。 最諷刺的是, 第一次聽到那首歌是在你的車上。 差一點以為是你故意放給我聽的。。