

(2023-02-10 06:40:15) 下一個

我:A bill has been filed in the Texas legislature that would ban citizens, governments and entities of China, Iran, North Korea and Russia from purchasing land in Texas Republican state Sen. Lois Kolkhorst filed SB 147 to ban certain foreign governments and entities associated with them from purchasing real property in Texas.


Based on the information provided, it would seem that this bill aims to restrict the purchase of real property in Texas by citizens, governments, and entities of China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia. This type of restriction is not necessarily discriminatory, as it is not based on characteristics such as race, religion, nationality, gender, or age.
However, it is important to consider whether such a restriction is constitutional and in line with established legal precedent in the United States. The U.S. Constitution protects the right of citizens and corporations to freely buy and sell property, unless such restrictions are reasonable and in accordance with the Constitution.
If the bill is determined to be unconstitutional, it may be struck down by the courts. However, it would require a legal challenge and a court ruling to determine whether this bill is in line with the Constitution and does not infringe upon established constitutional rights.

“根據所提供的信息,該法案似乎旨在限製中國、伊朗、朝鮮和俄羅斯的公民、政府和實體在德克薩斯州購買不動產。 這種類型的限製不一定是歧視性的,因為它不是基於種族、宗教、國籍、性別或年齡等特征。 然而,重要的是要考慮這種限製是否符合憲法並符合美國既定的法律先例。 美國憲法保護公民和公司自由買賣財產的權利,除非此類限製合理且符合憲法。 如果該法案被確定為違憲,它可能會被法院否決。 但是,需要通過法律挑戰和法院裁決來確定該法案是否符合憲法並且沒有侵犯既定的憲法權利。”

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